Archived Scheduled for overtime?

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Hardlines TM
May 29, 2017
Is it normal for a TM to be scheduled for overtime? I have 44.5 hours (with meals already taken out). Just wanted to know if this is something I should bring up to HR or just roll with it since it’s how I was scheduled?

Also, anybody have any idea what BOO means as a shift tag? I have a 9 hour hardlines shift with the tag BOO. Obviously something Halloween related, but is there any events coming up or anything?
They'll probably make you cut your hours on your last shift.
They'll probably make you cut your hours on your last shift.
Possibly, but I might as well just not even come in for a shift if I have to cut almost 5 hours of a shift... I know we need people badly right now and overtime was approved for people who wanted to stay late, but I’ve never actually been scheduled for overtime without being asked to stay or anything.
Dunno... perhaps they were trying to scare the OP?

Did you work Labor Day? Don't know about elsewhere but here those hours dont count towards OT. If it's for this week, that is.
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On my last paycheck I had 25-30 hours OT pay. 😎 knowing SFS, BR, Flow, Signing, Market, presentation, and pricing has its benefits. I imagine OT might be a normal during busy times, for TMs who are hypertrained, and can fill in with the needs of the day.
Target offers ot???

Yeah, I got like 30 hours of overtime (over two weeks, so 15 each week). I don't even know how I got approved for it, they asked me to work to help with BTS/toys/flow/electronics.
Yeah, I got like 30 hours of overtime (over two weeks, so 15 each week). I don't even know how I got approved for it, they asked me to work to help with BTS/toys/flow/electronics.
Yeah, I got like 30 hours of overtime (over two weeks, so 15 each week). I don't even know how I got approved for it, they asked me to work to help with BTS/toys/flow/electronics.
First rule about Target OT, say "Okay" and don't ask questions. I honestly feel as though these random OT's will run till the end of 2019.
Boo probably setting seasonal as in halloweeen
This was my first thought also but it’s a daytime shift and we usually set overnight. Also, we already set like half of Halloween and the BOO shift isn’t for almost exactly two weeks..
Did you work Labor Day? Don't know about elsewhere but here those hours dont count towards OT. If it's for this week, that is.
Good though, but it’s for the newly released schedule. Starting on the week of the 16th.
Let your etl or hr know to fix the schedule, please.
This was my thought as well, but I
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