MyTime Scheduled to work in different department

Jan 6, 2022
Hello all, here to ask for assistance yet again. Next week i'm scheduled for 4 days in the cafe (says so on MyTime). I was originally hired to be in style. I haven't heard anything from my TL or anyone about the sudden department switch. I do plan on bringing it up but today is sunday and my next shift is tuesday. Just wanna know if this sudden change is typical or a bug in MyTime or what. Tbh not crazy about learning a new department since i'm still a novice at my own but don't knock it till you try it right?
Hello all, here to ask for assistance yet again. Next week i'm scheduled for 4 days in the cafe (says so on MyTime). I was originally hired to be in style. I haven't heard anything from my TL or anyone about the sudden department switch. I do plan on bringing it up but today is sunday and my next shift is tuesday. Just wanna know if this sudden change is typical or a bug in MyTime or what. Tbh not crazy about learning a new department since i'm still a novice at my own but don't knock it till you try it right?
1. They could really be scheduling your for cafe.
2. They have allocated hours for you from Case but you will be really working in Style.
Hello all, here to ask for assistance yet again. Next week i'm scheduled for 4 days in the cafe (says so on MyTime). I was originally hired to be in style. I haven't heard anything from my TL or anyone about the sudden department switch. I do plan on bringing it up but today is sunday and my next shift is tuesday. Just wanna know if this sudden change is typical or a bug in MyTime or what. Tbh not crazy about learning a new department since i'm still a novice at my own but don't knock it till you try it right?
You have the right attitude! It could be they are just showing you being scheduled working in the cafe but going to use you in another work center. It's just a reporting thing.

Also maybe your TL was supposed to talk to you about training before the schedule was written and for whatever reason didn't. Then the ETL writing the schedule never knew you weren't talked to.

Just ask and see what they say. But if you want hours it's good to know multiple areas.
I am a DBO in softlines. I am the only DBO in softlines consistently and overly scheduled as Service Advocate. I was not informed prior too either. This is the 2nd year doing this. Last year it was 5 months of it. The problems with this are:
1. As DBO my area should be priority. It isn't. The lack of control from day to day causes significant issues
2. I'm scheduled 8 days out of 10 as Service Advocate in the next two weeks. This is not uncommon, not is it welcome.
3. I slow Service down as I am not trained to be a Service Advocate. My job description did not say anything about being scheduled up front 75-85% of my scheduled days
4. I'm not properly trained for Service to do whole shifts for days on end. I know the bare minimum in order to provide back up when it is really busy.
5. My teammates are already overburdened. It adds more stress to them having to deal with another department.
6. My area is small yet holds 4 different sections right now: swim, outerwear, bhm and family gateway. It needs constant attention to maintain integrity, remain shoppable and consistently produce sales. That is unattainable 1-3 days a week.
7. It's unrealistic to expect front end leaders to honor the schedule when I am set to be in my department. If they see my name in their section many times they will ignore that indication or flat out refuse to acknowledge it. This contradicts the very intention that was set and causes a lot of frustration.
8. When allowed the rare small chance to be in my department, it's still challenging. Having one foot in your department and one in theirs is exhausting.
9. Dealing with all the above, along with the emotional toll it takes is draining. It affects my personality, psyche, enthusiasm, productivity, etc. Both at work and at home.
10. As mentioned above, the fact that you are the only one required to do this ridiculous act within your entire department begins to make you question your position and where you stand. You feel belittled, not taken seriously, your role and department are's not easy.
11. The reasons I've been told why: "your department is right there so it's really easy to step between yours and service" (it's not the only close department and it's certainly not easy); "we just want you to make your area look nice"; "that's where the hours are" (then distribute them equally to all DBOs, don't just make me bear the burden); "it's just easier for us to enter you that way in the system"; "Anyone can push your freight, we just need you to reaarange once it's on the floor";" There's not much to do in your area right now" (lmao! Right, lol. Ok.)

There are more but this post is too long already! Anyway, yeah, it isn't ideal, and I am done with it.
I am a DBO in softlines. I am the only DBO in softlines consistently and overly scheduled as Service Advocate. I was not informed prior too either. This is the 2nd year doing this. Last year it was 5 months of it. The problems with this are:
1. As DBO my area should be priority. It isn't. The lack of control from day to day causes significant issues
2. I'm scheduled 8 days out of 10 as Service Advocate in the next two weeks. This is not uncommon, not is it welcome.
3. I slow Service down as I am not trained to be a Service Advocate. My job description did not say anything about being scheduled up front 75-85% of my scheduled days
4. I'm not properly trained for Service to do whole shifts for days on end. I know the bare minimum in order to provide back up when it is really busy.
5. My teammates are already overburdened. It adds more stress to them having to deal with another department.
6. My area is small yet holds 4 different sections right now: swim, outerwear, bhm and family gateway. It needs constant attention to maintain integrity, remain shoppable and consistently produce sales. That is unattainable 1-3 days a week.
7. It's unrealistic to expect front end leaders to honor the schedule when I am set to be in my department. If they see my name in their section many times they will ignore that indication or flat out refuse to acknowledge it. This contradicts the very intention that was set and causes a lot of frustration.
8. When allowed the rare small chance to be in my department, it's still challenging. Having one foot in your department and one in theirs is exhausting.
9. Dealing with all the above, along with the emotional toll it takes is draining. It affects my personality, psyche, enthusiasm, productivity, etc. Both at work and at home.
10. As mentioned above, the fact that you are the only one required to do this ridiculous act within your entire department begins to make you question your position and where you stand. You feel belittled, not taken seriously, your role and department are's not easy.
11. The reasons I've been told why: "your department is right there so it's really easy to step between yours and service" (it's not the only close department and it's certainly not easy); "we just want you to make your area look nice"; "that's where the hours are" (then distribute them equally to all DBOs, don't just make me bear the burden); "it's just easier for us to enter you that way in the system"; "Anyone can push your freight, we just need you to reaarange once it's on the floor";" There's not much to do in your area right now" (lmao! Right, lol. Ok.)

There are more but this post is too long already! Anyway, yeah, it isn't ideal, and I am done with it.
Talk to your tl. Spot is trying to give you hours.
^^^ This.

You are DBO of an incredibly small bit of real estate, so I assume your store does a lot of business. Most stores in my district the DBO would own all of women's clothing, for instance.

If it were me, I would ask for a larger area that would allow me to be in Style more consistently.

Or, you could let them know that you are willing to work only 1 or 2 days until hours pick up.

Or, you could ask to cover another DBO area while that DBO gets scheduled up front sometimes too.

Or, you could ask for some training up front. Do you hate it because you feel like you don't know what you are doing?

Or, you could ask to be scheduled split shifts--2 hours Style followed by your front end shift. (Yes, it is impossible to just leave the front end if not scheduled that way).

Or, you could ask if there are other Style tasks you could do to increase your time on the salesfloor (RFID, POG, PC, FR).

Ask yourself what you are willing to compromise, if anything. Speak with your ETL. Lay out the situation as you see it, and offer some solutions. If they still cannot accommodate you, then it may be time to part ways. Good Luck
Make sure they scheduling for style and not cafe. They shouldn't tell you one thing and do another. I hope it's the your in style and they no hours and not oh we can't get anybody hired for that job so we just lied to you so we could shove ya there. Happened to my co-worker and he quit. He was supposed to be in Starbucks. If the case that they lied to you and put in you Hell's Kitchen instead of style look for new job. They shouldn't lie to like that. They lied in a similar way to me as well.

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