Archived Scheduling at Target

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lifewithtarget - visit website and win smartphone!
Mar 25, 2013
Alright so I need an opinion on my availability. I set it up like so:

20 hours max per week

Monday: 12-5

Tuesday: 8-1

Wednesday: 12-5

Thursday: 8-1

Friday: 12-5

Sat/Sun: Open all day

Every week, I'm always scheduled on Tuesday, Thursday and the weekends. My question is, is my availability not good. I figured 12-5 was good because its the afternoon where people are shopping and I switch between cashiering and being on Sales Floor. Do you guys have any suggestions?
I got hired as Sales Floor. I asked if I could be moved over to Cashier and then I wanted to switch back, but they couldn't switch me back so as of right now I'm a Cashier. But I've been going shifts back and forth
Nope I have worked here for 6 months now
The more restrictive the avail, the more likely you'll be last in the boat for hrs.....unless you're a redcard wiz or those blocs are hard for your store to fill.
I'm noticing two repeating patterns of availability on the weekdays, are you in School? That's extremely restricted and may hamper you getting 20 hours, though if you use student loans then the 20 hours may not be necessary.

I guess what I'm asking is, do you really need 20 hours or is that just your max amount of hours you are willing to work?
I'm not concerned with how many hours I'm getting, I was just curious why every week I'm being scheduled on the same days.

I think you guys answered it though, it's probably because I have restricted it so much
In that case, the answer is a bit more complicated. You working tuesday/thursday so predictably may be because your availability matching perfectly with the match needed for those shifts. You can probably stop getting those shifts if you change your availability. Weekends are obvious. The repeating nature is also because typically people get into a routine of seeing you work those shifts consistently and just automatically repeat it without much thought. You could also just ask your scheduler to change it up, though that will not be a guarantee.
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