Scheduling out of availability

May 6, 2020
So what actually happens if the store schedules you out of availability and you don't come in?

I would think I would just not bring it up and not even bother to call out or anything.

A no-call no-show is definitely not good. If you did that at my store, you *might* get away with it if you've never done it before and you're an absolutely fantastic TM. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure you'd be written up and do you really want that?
(This actually happened at my store a few years ago - a long-term, excellent TM totally forgot she was scheduled for a day outside what was usual for her. She was available, but practically never scheduled for whatever day it was. She wasn't written up, but her TL knew it was completely outside her usual behavior and was confident it would never happen again, and it didn't.)
Post your shift and see if another TM picks it up. If not, call off.
Check your availability to make sure it's accurate and talk to your TL about why you were scheduled outside your availability. Mistakes happen.
So what actually happens if the store schedules you out of availability and you don't come in?

I would think I would just not bring it up and not even bother to call out or anything.

While you're not responsible for working outside your availability, you have 1 week+ between when it's posted and the day of work, and I'd say you're responsible for bringing it up to your ETL or HR to have it changed or removed. Really it shouldn't get to the point of you deciding whether to call out or NCNS. It's not helpful to your leaders or your team if there's a problem that you chose not to address, just because you want to be difficult.
"It's not helpful to your leaders or your team if there's a problem that you chose not to address, just because you want to be difficult."

This problem wasn't created by me so why would it be my responibility to address it?
"It's not helpful to your leaders or your team if there's a problem that you chose not to address, just because you want to be difficult."

This problem wasn't created by me so why would it be my responibility to address it?

Give them the chance to address it.
We all fuck up and they need to know that they did.
However, if they give you some bullshit about 'needs of the store' or 'availability is only a suggestion during the holidays', then you tell them to fuck right off and don't show up.
You might want to start looking for a new job though because anybody who would do and say that would also be enough of an asshole to take it personally.
Give them the chance to address it.
We all fuck up and they need to know that they did.
However, if they give you some bullshit about 'needs of the store' or 'availability is only a suggestion during the holidays', then you tell them to fuck right off and don't show up.
You might want to start looking for a new job though because anybody who would do and say that would also be enough of an asshole to take it personally.
Isn't it true that if Target schedules you out of your availability it gets flagged or something?
Isn't it true that if Target schedules you out of your availability it gets flagged or something?

It should but if the schedule is anything like when I was doing it for the Big Box Bookstore it's a massive clusterfuck and a few pop ups are the least of your worries.
"It's not helpful to your leaders or your team if there's a problem that you chose not to address, just because you want to be difficult."

This problem wasn't created by me so why would it be my responibility to address it?
You talk of poor managers and other TMs that should be fired, but your lack of maturity leads me to believe that the problem child is you.
Ultimately you're responsible for your schedule. Be an adult. Get it fixed. Move on with your life.

If you're unable to work with people, you're going to find a lot of difficulty at Target and any future employer.
It should but if the schedule is anything like when I was doing it for the Big Box Bookstore it's a massive clusterfuck and a few pop ups are the least of your worries.
I have always thought the TLs should do the schedule if you have a department with less than 8 TMs.

At my store very few TMs work in more than one department.

Of course at my store they pull TMs from everywhere to do OPUs.
This problem wasn't created by me so why would it be my responibility to address it?
It shouldn’t be your responsibility to fix it, beyond bringing it to the attention of your leadership. They should fix it, and not try to pass the buck to you. (NC/NS should be avoided at all costs since you never know what consequences will result). Allowing leaders to create problems with no accountability and expecting the person who was dropped into the mess to fix it is poor leadership at its worst. Mistakes happen, (and sometimes people are scheduled outside their availability purposely on the theory that they will work the shift rather than go through the hassle of having their schedule changed) but the one who creates the problem should be held accountable for fixing it. Telling someone who was scheduled outside their availability that it’s their responsibility to cover the shift is the fastest way to ensure that their team is short-handed when the person calls off. It also ensures that few team members will trust that leader enough to tell them anything.
I have always thought the TLs should do the schedule if you have a department with less than 8 TMs.
I think all TLs should write their department schedules. Its difficult to impossible to run a department well if you don’t have the ability to plan your coverage and have key people when and where they are needed. And ETLs should be held accountable for changing the schedule with no regard for availabilities and without informing anyone of the changes.
If I just decided to not come in because they scheduled me against my availability I'd absolutely expect to be reprimanded for it. Maybe the ETL or SD, or whoever made the schedule did fuck up. Know who didn't? Everyone else on my team who'd be fucked over by me NCNS'ing.

I wouldn't consider it my responsibility to find someone to take the shift. I however absolutely would let my ETL know the moment I saw the shift that I wouldn't be able to work it, and that if they didn't find someone else to do so that I'd be forced to call off.
Mandatory overtime at the DCs are treated as a shift, regardless. Maybe stores are more lenient with work/life balance, but at the DC if you’re scheduled on a Sunday out side your usual Tuesday-Friday, you either work, call in and take the hit, or get written up for a no show.
If I just decided to not come in because they scheduled me against my availability I'd absolutely expect to be reprimanded for it. Maybe the ETL or SD, or whoever made the schedule did fuck up. Know who didn't? Everyone else on my team who'd be fucked over by me NCNS'ing.

I wouldn't consider it my responsibility to find someone to take the shift. I however absolutely would let my ETL know the moment I saw the shift that I wouldn't be able to work it, and that if they didn't find someone else to do so that I'd be forced to call off.
It's not a NCNS if I call off in the app AND screenshot it.

I would inform my TL and/or ETL if they did schedule me outside of my availability.

Of course they can deny I ever mention it too since there is no documentation.
It's not a NCNS if I call off in the app AND screenshot it. I would inform my TL and/or ETL if they did schedule me outside of my availability.
Ahem, what's this
I would think I would just not bring it up and not even bother to call out or anything.

Of course they can deny I ever mention it too since there is no documentation.
You can find anyone's email on workday if you'd like to have a paper trail. But do you seriously think your leadership is going to gaslight you into a shift outside your availability?
Isn't it true that if Target schedules you out of your availability it gets flagged or something?
It flags, but so does nearly everything. There are no pop-ups, just an exclamation point next to the name. The problem is that everything gets flagged. 5 days in a row, needs a lunch, etc. . . . Every name has a flag.

At my store, TLs do write their schedules. If I screw up, and I do sometimes, I ask the team member to put their shift up then I start looking for a solution. Sometimes, the team member finds someone to switch with, sometimes I do. A little mutual respect and communication can work wonders.
It flags, but so does nearly everything. There are no pop-ups, just an exclamation point next to the name. The problem is that everything gets flagged. 5 days in a row, needs a lunch, etc. . . . Every name has a flag.

At my store, TLs do write their schedules. If I screw up, and I do sometimes, I ask the team member to put their shift up then I start looking for a solution. Sometimes, the team member finds someone to switch with, sometimes I do. A little mutual respect and communication can work wonders.
Sounds like dream baby is not a team player. The way I see it if I help my leaders when I can they are more willing to help me when I need a favor.
It flags, but so does nearly everything. There are no pop-ups, just an exclamation point next to the name. The problem is that everything gets flagged. 5 days in a row, needs a lunch, etc. . . . Every name has a flag.

At my store, TLs do write their schedules. If I screw up, and I do sometimes, I ask the team member to put their shift up then I start looking for a solution. Sometimes, the team member finds someone to switch with, sometimes I do. A little mutual respect and communication can work wonders.
"Communication can work wonders."

This is sorry lacking at my store.
"Communication can work wonders."

This is sorry lacking at my store.

That has been my general impression of most stores.
If I didn't know better...
How can I know better you ask?
Corporate wants to make all the money.
Corporate knows that turnover is expensive and wants to avoid it, especially now.
Good communication is a proven factor in reducing turnover and except for the training that is necessary to make it happen, there is no money coming out of their pockets to make it happen unlike the main things that would reduce turnover, proper staffing, regular hours, and a living wage.
But with everything I saw when I worked there and what see on this board, I would swear corporate encourages a lack of communication in their stores.
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