Archived Score System?

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Finally A Guest Again
Nov 11, 2015
I don't know much about Target, but I do know that it has some kind of score system that keeps tabs on its employees. How do you guys feel about it? I personally think it's lame and is just a way to continue making people sweat. It's almost like a way of saying that your job is always on the line. I've never had that kind of bull in my previous jobs and I have never had so much micro management before either. Honestly, I don't feel as threatened as the management probably wants me to be. I'm a hard worker and they're not going to tell me otherwise. I've never had a problem keeping a job, ever! Target seems to like to play a lot of mind games and it's one of the worst jobs I've ever had. I don't know if it's just my store where this is kind of a problem because every store is different and has different managers. My store is a joke.
Forgive me if this is a silly question, but what do you mean by "score"? Are you talking about the score that pops up on the registers when you're cashiering, the number of red cards each employee has gotten, what department is shining like a diamond and which one sucks butts right now.....?

And believe me, there are worse jobs. I worked at Neilson for two weeks, as it was all my sanity could handle. Basically there, if you did not get a certain number of accepts weekly, you were fired. No matter how long you'd been there or what kind of job performance you had.
Forgive me if this is a silly question, but what do you mean by "score"? Are you talking about the score that pops up on the registers when you're cashiering, the number of red cards each employee has gotten, what department is shining like a diamond and which one sucks butts right now.....?

And believe me, there are worse jobs. I worked at Neilson for two weeks, as it was all my sanity could handle. Basically there, if you did not get a certain number of accepts weekly, you were fired. No matter how long you'd been there or what kind of job performance you had.
Apparently the backroom has a score system and you get some kind of credit for pulling and backstocking.
One time, I was pulling CAF and asked a guy to help me get something down because I am not certified to use the wave. He told me to give him my PDA so I can get "credit" for the pull. I just kind of looked at him weird and thought why does it matter who pulls what?
It just looks good that you pull or back stock a lot in a timely fashion. There are reports of how well and how bad(baffles) you do. If you are backroom a good pull score means something, if you are sales floor not so much.
Look at it this way: if you do something, you get credit for it, and the more you do the better your score. At least it's not the usual system of seniority and buddy-buddy crap. I've never worked a job where at least one coworker got to slack off and still get patted on the head simply because they were there longer or friends with someone. I'd much rather be rated on a score system. Seems more fair, IMHO.
Look at it this way: if you do something, you get credit for it, and the more you do the better your score. At least it's not the usual system of seniority and buddy-buddy crap. I've never worked a job where at least one coworker got to slack off and still get patted on the head simply because they were there longer or friends with someone. I'd much rather be rated on a score system. Seems more fair, IMHO.

Except you have no idea how those scores are manipulated and ass-kissing still wields a big hammer. If you are in a good store you may not feel this, in a bad one? I feel sorry for you son.
Except you have no idea how those scores are manipulated and ass-kissing still wields a big hammer. If you are in a good store you may not feel this, in a bad one? I feel sorry for you son.

Hey, I'm cafe, so I have no clue how the system works, lol. Just sayin, on general principle, it seems better than the willy-nilly "yearly reviews" I've seen everywhere else that have nothing to do with cold hard numbers and facts. In my section of the store, I get to flirt with the copious fellow lezzies and feed the management all day, so I'm all good. 😀
Hey, I'm cafe, so I have no clue how the system works, lol. Just sayin, on general principle, it seems better than the willy-nilly "yearly reviews" I've seen everywhere else that have nothing to do with cold hard numbers and facts. In my section of the store, I get to flirt with the copious fellow lezzies and feed the management all day, so I'm all good. 😀

Sounds like you have your wits about ya. Keep it up and you should do fine. 🙂
Apparently the backroom has a score system and you get some kind of credit for pulling and backstocking.
It's just a tool that TLs can use to help them understand which TMs are stronger at what and to find any problem areas in the backroom. At my store, they post the BRLA report so TMs can see how accurate their work is.

Nobody is going around yelling at TMs because they only pulled x amount of batches last week.

One time, I was pulling CAF and asked a guy to help me get something down because I am not certified to use the wave. He told me to give him my PDA so I can get "credit" for the pull. I just kind of looked at him weird and thought why does it matter who pulls what?
Not sure why he said it that way, but it's easier to just use your PDA if you're already in the batch and at the location.
Those scores are for accountability. They also help your TL when it is time for your annual review since there is documentation not only of mistakes, but of how well you are doing. If you have a 100% backstock rate, that's good on you and you should get credit for doing a good job. The TLs aren't always working the same shift as you. It helps them to better understand which tms need more training or need to be coached and which tms are very successful and should be watched for promotion possibilities. Also, we all work with that one tm that doesn't seem to pull their weight. The scores will show that. Every team has scores (except the salesfloor - electronics has their AAR, though). I'm on the instocks team. I can look at our scores and see that I have scanned 4x more than other tms working the same number of hours. I can see what my count-up percentage is, etc. I want to see my good work reflected on my annual review and in my paycheck. If I am coached for something that is process related, I want to see the numbers that back it up.

Also, just wondering how one can think that something that they don't know about is lame and why it would seem to be a threat... it is a very effective tool, IMO.
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