Archived SEASONAL employees (when do they start getting let go?)

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We have 7 seasonal workers on Flow Team at our store and was wondering when they start to be let go? I understand the 90-day probationary period but our sales are low and it seems only 1-2 should be hired on. I think we have just enough people on Flow to let all but 2 go.
it all depends on the the 2 previous Christmases my store has let them go by the 10th of January. BUT, they are already asking the ones of us who have been for awhile who we would keep so I don't see them lasting after the week that New Year's is in. We overhired, in my opinion, in all dept's but we needed regular people (not seasonal) in every dept but hardlines proper. Softlines seems to be the only part of the store that hasn't already lost a lot of our seasonals via NCNS or other infractions. And I think we are only keeping three(or so) of those. Still, not as many team members as we had when I first came on...especially after a few of our regulars leave shortly. I am not sure how we are able to work on such a short staff but we do it.
They will get a letter from your etl-log. Saying thanks for your help during this holiday season. If you would like stay with spot, please let me know by this date.
One of our seasonal hires said they will let them know if they are staying or not on January 18th.
I think we let them know about the 1st week of January. Telling them before that was just inviting call offs if you weren't keeping them. Since my flow team was so large I kept anyone that was decent. We always had room. We always ended up losing a few in the first few months of the year anyway. I think cashiers and salesfloor only kept a couple. They never had as many spaces to fill.
I was hired for seasona overl a year ago & was given my letter about staying on on Dec. 31st as we were punching out. Still there & enjoying the place (shocking to some, I know). I've since worked & trained in numerous areas of the store & I've moved up to electronics. Still enjoying it all & having fun. I guess you can say I've worked much worse jobs in the past.

I think it depends on the store & possibly volume or sales. If they still need you, they'll keep you on a bit longer. If they see they don't, they may drop the seasonal hires a bit sooner.
A couple of my re-shoppers have already been notified of their release, but some of the seasonals are still getting hours on the newest schedule.
one of our seasonals found out today (I think she asked) she wasn't going to be kept in softlines....she then turned around and talked to our new ETL-GE and she said they would keep her as a cashier. I have tried very hard to like her but I don't and I don't see her lasting up front either as she is slow and melancholy (think Eeyore).
At my store I was told about ten days before Christmas that they'd be keeping me, and I know some others have already been told that they aren't staying on.
Well, I think they are letting me go. My ETL tells me almost everyday to leave by 9:15 am so I don't have to take a lunch. Also, was taken off the line of unloading truck and told to unload grocery instead ( 2 days now) Also, what the ETLS have in mind for speed of unloading grocery autofills i am "slow" and yes i am without PDA, which ETL tells me "i dont need." I think I need to stand up for myself, but just haven't wanted tostir any commotion. But now im worried they will be letting me go. Too little too late??
Our seasonal people are still on the two week out schedule. They need to be done: they are sucking out our hours, and barely getting any hours, themselves.
I'm hoping ours will be the same way. Though part of me is grateful for the break, the bills still need to be paid. So I will keep an eye on the swap board and see what I can do.
ours will know by the time the next schedule is up (this Friday...unless they are as slow as the last few months and then it will be Monday). Our hours have been cut drastically and they are dead weight.
I understand it's January and hours have been cut. This doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why. What I cannot figure out is, why do they keep the seasonal help halfway into January when there is clearly no need for them likely after this weekend?
I asked one our seasonal people tonight...she said she has no idea when she will hear if she's being kept or not. Her mom is a TL, and she's a good kid, so I hope they keep her.
I haven't heard anything yet... I was originally going to decline if they offered, but I am thinking I could use the extra cash now. In fact, my TL has been asking ME if I'm staying... I told her I didn't know, nobody has said anything yet, but I was on the schedule next with with a cut in hours.
I know at least 2 have gotten their letters and have also been personally talked to at the store. The one told me that his last day was this Saturday. I haven't heard about anyone else though.
I DO have a question about TL told me my last day would be the end of January, and explained there was not enough hours for people in Softlines, (not like other areas of the store). I immediately asked her if my work was satisfactory, and she told me it was exemplary, and I should be "recognized" for that (whatever that means) almost seemed like she was hinting that I may be able to stay on in a different department. Is this a viable option? If so, who would be the one to discuss this with?
Tomorrow is the last day at mt store for all the seasonal team members who aren't being kept.
Since we had a mass firing a few months ago, our store didn't hire any seasonals; instead everyone who was hired are considered permanent. One of the TLs has told me she would like to get rid of some of them but they have to go through the regular process.
In my store some seasonals were told this week -- at least I was. Softlines had no hours to give anymore and they wanted to keep me regardless and said I'd be a cashier instead. I'll miss softlines. But time is running up for seasonals.
Haven't heard for my store yet. I'm seasonal at the moment too o.o

I had my availability change approved though and I'm under 90 days so....
In my store some seasonals were told this week -- at least I was. Softlines had no hours to give anymore and they wanted to keep me regardless and said I'd be a cashier instead. I'll miss softlines. But time is running up for seasonals.

Eventually there will be openings in softlines again. Tell them you are interested in going back if a position comes open. Also, you can keep an eye on the swap board and grab softlines shifts off that.
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