Archived Seasonal ended store has hiring sign outside

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I start at my new target the first week of Feb. but first I had to be reactivated at my old store Why would this be
It is highly suggest to contact your old store hr, without delay. It sounds like you have become nonrehirable at spot.
What happened was is that the hr at my old store incorrectly coded me as terminated instead of transfer I feel kinda bummed for the hr at my old store
We let so many seasonals go, it was sad. We just dont have the hours. There was one girl I worked with that was being let go that I really liked. She was the only one to continue working her shifts even though she had an end date. I spoke with some people and she was then hired in a different position.

So kind of off topic, but it's a good reminder to keep working hard and it'll pay off in the long run. She now makes more money and is very happy.
My store took down the "seasonal opportunites" sign last week and replaced it with a "We're hiring" sign, but the only positions we're hiring for are flow and one TPS. We are hurting so bad for Flow TMs that the HRTM offered any TM who refers a new flow TM that makes it through their first week a $150 GC from 549. I've heard other stores in the district are doing such things as well, although not for $150.
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