Seasonal TMs

Jun 6, 2013
Do you have to have documentation if you don’t want to keep a seasonal TM? In the past years we just decided, but this year HR is telling us we have to have documentation if we don’t want to keep a seasonal TM.
I was afraid of getting forced to keep bad seasonals for this very reason, so I made sure I was writing PDDs for them whenever I was having those conversations. HR didn't end up telling us this, but I feel better knowing I dotted my i's and crossed my t's if it did. But my store is very PDD heavy, so this is something I would have been doing regardless
I just had a conversation with my ETL and we made a spreadsheet and sent it over to our HR. Idk if my etl did anything else but i doubt it.
They should have mentioned this new policy at the start of the season instead of at the end of it, but logical thought and planning apparently aren’t Spot’s greatest strengths, and neither is communication. Just screws everything up, as usual. 🙄🙁

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