Staying Past Seasonal

Nov 26, 2019
Hello!! I am a seasonal advocate at the front end right now and I was wondering how i would go about staying past the seasonal limit? Someone told me that my team lead will talk to me before the end of December and ask me if I want to continue! Is this true?
It might be different for other stores but I know when I was hired for seasonal at my orientation they had me sign a paper that asked if hiring needs require, if I would be willing to stay after seasonal. Other than that I never talked to anyone about staying past seasonal..... and I am still here.
At my store it depends how many seasonals make it to late January and that includes staying and showing up when hours drop to 10 hours or fewer per week. Most years 95% who make it to the end of January aren't termed. The 5% that are termed usually had issues. There are a few years when a lot of seasonals are still showing up at the end of January and during those rare years, someone will let you know if you are being let go before the end of January.
For our store it is all about performance
if you get red cards
If you are friendly
If you engage with guests and continue convos
If you do basic things like stay off your dam phone and show up for all shifts with no call ins nor lates
You will more than likely stay on and or be given more training elsewhere
Does the lack of computer training I’ve been given matter when it comes to staying on? I’ve made every shift (so far, though there’s an illness going through my house), have never been late, stayed when asked etc.
It really comes down to store payroll and business needs. Very few seasonals are kept because when hours plummet in January, there are more mouths to feed.
It really comes down to store payroll and business needs. Very few seasonals are kept because when hours plummet in January, there are more mouths to feed.

Gotcha. Really don’t want to stay on if they aren’t gonna keep me after the holiday. I’m doing so much, which I’m happy to do, but not if I’m gonna just be used and thrown away.
That might sound a bit complainy as I knew I was seasonal when I got the job. I just feel I’ve gone above and beyond what I was hired for and believe they should find room for employees that do so.
Our leadership looks for 'Rockstars' among the seasonals; those with stand-out performance despite the crappy treatment, abysmal conditions & complete lack of training.
They then look to cull the herd of deadwood & replace them with said rockstars.
What they don't anticipate is when the rockstars finally have enough & leave too.
That might sound a bit complainy as I knew I was seasonal when I got the job. I just feel I’ve gone above and beyond what I was hired for and believe they should find room for employees that do so.
That's the ideal but it doesn't always work that way. In my area we have enough regular TMs and technically we do not need to keep any of the seasonals. A couple of them are very good and a couple of our regulars are lacking. I would be happy if things could work out, but I doubt it will happen. And if we keep these good newbies, that's less hours for all. If it comes down to it and the bad TMs make it through the holidays, then the seasonals gotta go.
That's the ideal but it doesn't always work that way. In my area we have enough regular TMs and technically we do not need to keep any of the seasonals. A couple of them are very good and a couple of our regulars are lacking. I would be happy if things could work out, but I doubt it will happen. And if we keep these good newbies, that's less hours for all. If it comes down to it and the bad TMs make it through the holidays, then the seasonals gotta go.

Makes sense. I just wish maybe I had a clearer understanding of how many the store I’m at might keep on. I’m cool with very few hours after the new year even, just wanna keep my foot in the door.
Makes sense. I just wish maybe I had a clearer understanding of how many the store I’m at might keep on. I’m cool with very few hours after the new year even, just wanna keep my foot in the door.
Tell your tl, to call you when shifts are open. Keep red & k clothes in your car. Check the swap shift board, too.
Tell your tl, to call you when shifts are open. Keep red & k clothes in your car. Check the swap shift board, too.

Good suggestions! I’ve been pretty up against it when it comes to hours, so haven’t been able to take many shifts. I have 4 days this week and next week though, so can try and get a few extras.
Tell your tl, to call you when shifts are open. Keep red & k clothes in your car. Check the swap shift board, too.

Does department matter as far as staying on? I’m doing OTC (unless they ask me to go elsewhere) 5 days a week right now. Is that an area that usually gets cut after the holidays?
At my store, department doesn't matter so much as role--if you're hired as flex your odds of staying past seasonal are low, just because they hire so many for Q4. Other departments fare better, generally speaking. Two years ago all the hardlines seasonals were kept (ETA: the closing hardlines seasonals--not sure we had day shifters that were dropped, as I don't work days), IIRC, and most of them from last year. This year we've hired more, so I'm not sure how it will all shake out.

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