Archived Secret sale

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A TL at a huddle said every other end-cap at my store is gonna be comprised of this sale. This should be good lol.
My HR person was asking people to come in on Sunday to help do the pulls and push because apparently they are expecting sales to be huge today. They added me in for full shifts instead of the the 4hr shifts I had been given Sunday and Monday. I'm just gonna be pissed if they pull me from the backroom to push our autofills.
Sneak peek: not my store, found whilst browsing the #Target hashtag on Instagram

I don't really see the relevance between the poke balls and the sale. I mean, I'm pretty sure the Pokemon hype is long gone by now.
Hello Team. Did not see this posted.

Target is launching a first-of-its-kind one-day sale to try and boost back-to-school shopper traffic amidst a boycott over its bathroom policy.

The retailer is offering a 10% discount on everything in its stores and online on Sunday, August 28, 2016.

Target is calling the event #TargetRunDay.

To take advantage of Target's sale on Sunday, shoppers can cut out the coupon from Sunday’s weekly and take it to Target's stores, or text "RUN" to 827438.

The discount will automatically apply to purchases made online.

Target is discounting everything to win shoppers back amid boycott

#TargetRunDay Is Coming! Save An Extra 10% On Your Purchase—Sunday Only

Just read about it. I hope every one has a good crew to offer guest assistance all day. Good luck.
Fantastic,,,,,,,, It''ll be just like Tax Free weekend ( that was chaos) with a little bit of christmas thrown in..... LOL
A TL at a huddle said every other end-cap at my store is gonna be comprised of this sale. This should be good lol.
I think what they meant was that every other endcap will have a sign up for this sale. Nearly every endcap will have eligible items.
Fun. I'll be closing tomorrow. I always get annoyed with this stuff, if only cuz guests come through trying to cash in the coupon on non applicable items and then I need to deal with their outrage.

And in Electronics, it'll be a lot of customers mad they thought they were getting 10 percent off a PS4 for example.

And I asked my HR person, all the usual exclusions do apply. Lego in particular tends to trip a lot of people up at the check lanes.
I believe that Amazon will always dominate the online markets, and to invest in online is an obvious choice, but I am afraid its pouring money into a problem against a contender that will dominate us in that marketplace. I think years ago, Target burned Amazon really bad and that relationship was ruined which is a shame. I almost wonder if a deal could have been brokered back then. Amazon is an online retailer, and more and more companies are basically utilizing the site as the interface for their own supply chain/online business. Target has just a few small advantages over Amazon in terms of online. They have existing distribution centers now in almost every major city (the stores with ship from store) and a physical presence that can take returns (not having to ship it back). The fuel that could have been achieved by selling our products through Amazon and working a deal with them to take returns in some capacity could have helped our growth in the online marketplace, and given Amazon a large channel (plus more buying power to workout deals with shipping costs). Just a thought.
Rock, this is a thought I had a couple of years ago. Amazon could buy/merge with Target and take over the B&M stores. Not all of the current stores would remain open, but the ones that did would be a hybrid showroom concept. The store would have on display many versions of a product that could be ordered there through an app and shipped to anywhere or to any store to be picked up. The stores would also carry a very limited selection (0nly one or 2 items) of the very best sellers in a category in the store for purchase then and there. A limited selection of groceries might also be offered. You also keep the Starbucks and a better version of the current Target Cafe. There would certainly be problems that would need to be worked out and a refining of the concept, but It would make sense for both companies. Amazon would get a new distribution channel with a physical presence in a community and a way to go after more of Walmart's business. Target gets out of a business where they are getting hammered on both sides: Amazon online and Walmart in B&M. I think shareholders on both sides would do well. But, it would have to be done soon while Target still has a fairly good image and reputation and before the entire chain slips in to Kmart territory.
I had a closing cashier shift but I was overwhelmed by the thought. I hate cashiering. I put it up today and someone took it though, so yay!
I'm SFS tomorrow and monday. I'm expecting a heavy workload on monday especially 🙄
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