Archived Self-Checkouts

Does your store have self-checkouts?

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I can imagine Target making SCOs available for only REDCard holders. "Skip the lines AND save 5%!" I am going to be gone whilst they install them and for the first week, so I'll have to find out how they've worked out when I return.
When we first got SCOs we had a cashier be a greeter with a satchel of redcard pamphlets and store ads. The idea was to "make up" the lost redcards with all the guests going to the SCO.
I don't know what happened but I guess all the cashiers complained so we stopped doing it.
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I hope it'll go away but with recards in the toilet I have a feeling the badgering everyone and anyone with redcards at the self-checkouts will be going on for the time being at least.
We've had RC apps go up since our SCOs came in, because our lines turned from horseshit-long frustration to a little more reasonable all around. I'm glad for that.

....what I'm not glad for is our new GSTL who came with them, who apparently has zero understanding of the need for someone to supervise those lanes, so whenever he's here, our SCO gets shoved onto a regular lane for fast service on the closest lane to the machines, and they're supposed to just hop back and forth in case anything goes wrong. (Or, in the same vein, our SCO is supposed to be doing bullseye's playground reshop at almost all times and so their eyeballs aren't really there thanks to three feet of flimsy paper-mache walling)

Some of our GSAs still aren't closing them correctly, either, so our counts are off the next day and it screams for money even when it's loaded up and certain menus report an accurate count while others don't. I've been on three different shifts where someone doesn't entirely finish the transaction and leaves the register with their items. Intentional or not, it's a hella shortage issue because the powers that be seem to think that SCO literally means they can run themselves unless absolutely necessary.

Our ETL-AP is livid. I don't blame them. Maybe it'll pick up. But redcards, hey. Who the fuck needs actual sales when we've talked some senile elder into saving 5% on the trip they make once a month for the last year of their life?
We've had RC apps go up since our SCOs came in, because our lines turned from horseshit-long frustration to a little more reasonable all around. I'm glad for that.

....what I'm not glad for is our new GSTL who came with them, who apparently has zero understanding of the need for someone to supervise those lanes, so whenever he's here, our SCO gets shoved onto a regular lane for fast service on the closest lane to the machines, and they're supposed to just hop back and forth in case anything goes wrong. (Or, in the same vein, our SCO is supposed to be doing bullseye's playground reshop at almost all times and so their eyeballs aren't really there thanks to three feet of flimsy paper-mache walling)

Some of our GSAs still aren't closing them correctly, either, so our counts are off the next day and it screams for money even when it's loaded up and certain menus report an accurate count while others don't. I've been on three different shifts where someone doesn't entirely finish the transaction and leaves the register with their items. Intentional or not, it's a hella shortage issue because the powers that be seem to think that SCO literally means they can run themselves unless absolutely necessary.

Our ETL-AP is livid. I don't blame them. Maybe it'll pick up. But redcards, hey. Who the fuck needs actual sales when we've talked some senile elder into saving 5% on the trip they make once a month for the last year of their life?

The machines are off quite frequently in funds. You periodically have to go in and recount all of the coin. There are so many ways they can be off I can't go into just one. The SCOs have to be staffed at all times, not sure why your GSTL doesn't get that. Admittedly when I returned I would have the same mentality for a while but then I got a first hand look at the mishmash of crap that comes with them you HAVE to have them covered. I have to go over quite frequently and make sure the cashier assigned isn't holding up the wall just chilling.
Self-checkouts are a field day for thieves. Tell your AP team to be prepared for a crap-ton of passing items and fraud.
We had someone do a scan and grab the other week. The GSTL was over at guest service the self check out person was on break by the time by the time was on their tail off they went......
The machines are off quite frequently in funds. You periodically have to go in and recount all of the coin. There are so many ways they can be off I can't go into just one. The SCOs have to be staffed at all times, not sure why your GSTL doesn't get that. Admittedly when I returned I would have the same mentality for a while but then I got a first hand look at the mishmash of crap that comes with them you HAVE to have them covered. I have to go over quite frequently and make sure the cashier assigned isn't holding up the wall just chilling.

If the counts are drastically off then someone isn't closing them/adding funds properly. The only major discrepancies that we had was one time when the closing GSA forgot to reset the counts before adding the start funds. There can sometimes be a discrepancy with the coins, but that has always been caused when someone either forgot to add the coins in the system or they added them in the system, but got distracted and forgot to actually add the coins.

If you're 100% sure that everything is being done correctly then you need to contact the vendor.
Dear god...

Visiting CB, Iowa today and I had the huge dishonor of using this monstrosity. First time I ever used one, and it shall be the last.

If they bring these to my store I'm going to run away screaming.


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Honestly, they aren't that bad. 9.9995 times out of 10 I will use a Self Checkout over going to lane. I don't know what problems you guys are having. Grocery store ones are a lot worse.

Maybe it's just because I know the system better since I spent about 4 months constantly fiddling with the things.
I went to a Kroger the other night. Their self checkout system is garbage. The guy in front of me stole 5-10 vegetables because he was frustrated with them. Said 'fuck it', and just placed his avocados and cucumbers in the bag.

That's why you have to make shit work.
Honestly, they aren't that bad. 9.9995 times out of 10 I will use a Self Checkout over going to lane. I don't know what problems you guys are having. Grocery store ones are a lot worse.

Maybe it's just because I know the system better since I spent about 4 months constantly fiddling with the things.
I could say grocery store ones are easier but that's because I've worked with them for a while and know exactly what makes it tick.

I went to a Kroger the other night. Their self checkout system is garbage. The guy in front of me stole 5-10 vegetables because he was frustrated with them. Said 'fuck it', and just placed his avocados and cucumbers in the bag.

That's why you have to make shit work.
Just because someone is too stupid to figure out how to ring up their produce doesn't mean that the system is broken. I have yet to see an idiot-proof self checkout.
If they ever implemented these at my former store (I'm a former TM), I guarantee you they wouldn't bother staffing anyone to run them and would expect the poor GSA (who surely has a line going out to girls for returns and checkouts) to go over to the SCO lanes to resolve any assistance needed requests. Target, as usual, doesn't understand the full scope of the things they're doing and doesn't give stores the proper set up and resources to make things succeed. The couponers would have a field day with the scams they could get away with using the SCOs.
Yup.. They're already disastrous. I've heard we still have back up cashiers being called for like crazy because guests refuse to use the self-checkouts, even with TMs willing to assist them. There's never a line near them. I've heard they've seen maybe three people using them at once. We have four SCOs.
Yup.. They're already disastrous. I've heard we still have back up cashiers being called for like crazy because guests refuse to use the self-checkouts, even with TMs willing to assist them. There's never a line near them. I've heard they've seen maybe three people using them at once. We have four SCOs.
So it's great for TMs on break?

I usually end up going to lunch during our peak sales hour, which means if I forgot to buy anything in advance, I'll spend half my lunch waiting in line.
Yeh, but I see a problem with that already: you scan the coupon & the coupon slot blinks until you drop it in.
When it was one that couldn't be peeled off or something, the attendant took her badge & stuck it in the slot partway 'til it stopped blinking; people could hold onto a high dollar coupon & use it for multiple transactions.
And we don't always have an attendant on-hand at ours.
I use them when I only have a few items & the lines are long.

Ugh I hate that because when I coupon food. You can't.tear them off
I don't mind the self checkouts because they're convenient when I'm on lunch, but I miss the express lanes they replaced.

At least ours aren't like the machines at BJ's that yell "SYSTEM PROCESSING, PLEASE STAND BY. SYSTEM PROCESSING, PLEASE STAND BY."

Does anybody have the moveable cash register? I have seen some self checkouts have one for the cashier to use if it gets busy

We acquired one when our self checkouts were installed, but I never saw it used and it mysteriously disappeared after a few months. I never really understood why we had it.
Self-Checkouts are on the left hand side here


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Self-Checkouts are on the left hand side here
We are in a super target and our self check outs are at the right side which is next to electronics and seasonal. I just feel they would be more useful on green side which is grocery and cosmetics. We barely have anybody using them because you would have to walk all the way to the other side to check out with a few items
Is everybody's self checkout on the right hand side of your check outs as you walk into the store?

At my P-Fresh store, yes. If you're outside, the entrance is on the right. As you walk in, the service desk is to the right, and on the left is Bullseye's Playground, self checkout, and the checklanes.
And if so how do you like them? Does anyone run them or supervise them? And if so who? How do they work and have you seen an increase in effeciency or not?
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