Archived Semi-new here

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Oct 5, 2013
Hello all! Like so so so so many before me... I have been lurking these threads for a while. I am a TM but was just officially offered an ETL position. I have not been told when I will start the business college. Probably not for a while since it is 4th quarter, but who knows... Anyways, I am super excited. I know that HLM, Commiecor, Insights(sp??), Annie, and a few others seem to be the legends around here. It has been great reading threads and getting more insight from people who don't need to hold back on here. I know some of you may think, "from TM to ETL... WHAT??" I think this gives me an advantage as I develop and how to work WITH my team(when that time comes) since I have experienced things as a TM for a while. I hope to soon be able to add quality posts here but one question that I have if people dont mind, and if it could blow your ID then dont... but who here are TM's, TL's, ETL's, STL's and maybe even a DTL?? Just out of curiosity and for people I could reach out to and PM if necessary. I appreciate all of your time! 😛opcorm2:
well non-the-less i like hearing things from all perspectives. i appreciate the welcome
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