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Nov 19, 2017
Hey y'all, I've been a SETL for the past two years and just accepted a move to GMTL! Obviously there will be some similarities (e.g. team culture, performance management, etc.), but I haven't done much at all in the way of GM. Fortunately, I'll get two weeks of training at another store to start, but because I don't have much background in GM, I'm not sure where to start with asking questions. I know my store and my new team are not on process in the ways that they should be (aka not modernized--not sure what the gaps are just yet, but I know the team struggles to set POGs, do audits, run abandons, meet freight goals, etc.). We are a ~60 mil PFresh store.

Anybody have any insight or good questions to ask my trainer? Really want to try to hit the ground running to build up my team as much as possible before we get to the bulk of Q4. Thank you in advance!
“not sure what the gaps are just yet, but I know the team struggles to set POGs, do audits, run abandons, meet freight goals, etc.). We are a ~60 mil PFresh store”

well, you definitely have your work cut out. If you have a plano team that takes care of your pogs , you are in a slightly better place.
For your team:
I would suggest a few cliche’s. Know your team’s strengths and weaknesses. Do not make big changes right away, observe the team and try to build on whats working. Be firm but reasonable about expectations.

For your training:
*Learn how to access and decipher data i.e greenfield, workbench. If possible try to bookmark cards like, BRQ, ITDB, Fill performance, key reports , audit etc.
*Learn how to read truck reports and be able to interpret and utilize it based on freight flow , visual fill, upcoming pogs.

in short, you are going to struggle and suffer, everyone is struggling and suffering. Try to minimize the struggle and suffering. Present a positive attitude to your team, have at least a plan and two contingencies.

love you.
Edit:- Every fucking day is Q4 now.
seriously great advice from planoss.
I will also add :

best way to help your GM team succeed: ROUTINE. Things get done when a routine is in place -
without strong routines the tm’s are pulled in multiple directions that change daily and the day gets lost with the wrong thing being done.

My DBO‘s routines are:
punch in, get equipment, sign in to phone, collect reshop, zone and push reshop, pull priority batch, push batch with truck til meal, meal, check reshop, backstock, pull priority/one 4 one til leave. One day per week - price change after lunch, another day per week - SPL.

They correct data accuracy for any outs and any item that is to capacity and will be backstocked - as they push.

they are expected to put guest assistance first, backup at least once per day, answer phones, return strays right guest service to be resorted to the correct depts.

I help with all tasks above a bit for each DBO, hang the price change labels each day, work our dept audit and check date tasks.
once per week I fix all BR errors, change the BRLA score boards, pull all clearance and disco.

We are keeping our heads above water - but It certainly requires perseverance each and every day.

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