Archived Should I apply?

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Apr 21, 2017
I heard on the news that Target is now paying a minimum of 11$/hour.

Currently I work in a big name grocery store as a cashier making 10$/hour. Been with them for 5 months, but starting to wonder if I should chase the money. Thoughts?
Depends on how much you like your current job, distance. At Target in addition to being friendly you are also expected to promote the Red Card.

The one dollar difference will add up quickly.

See if you can get hired as a regular employee. Seasonal hiring starts on Monday and there is no guarantee they would keep you past the holidays so be mindful of that.
The question will be what is the store volume and non-peak sales of this TGT store.

If the volume is low, you probably won't see a whole lot of hours during the non-peak seasons.

Do you get steady hours with your current job?
If it is possible scheduling wise, try doing both. If it would be too much, then like @Hardlinesmaster said, stick with your current job. You have tenure there 1) and 2), You know all the politics there already. Coming to Spot opens up a NEW can of politics. Grass is not always greener on the other side, I'm speaking from experience.
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