Social Media and Management

Nov 11, 2017
Do you guys think its okay for your HR lead to have TM's on their Facebook, Snapchat,etc??? knowing what I know about social media and how its used in our store I have no confidence in our HR lead. Unless im a 23yr old Beauty TM.
I think it's a bad look. In order to maintain integrity, HR TLs should not be "friends" with anyone below their level at the store. What they do behind closed doors on their off hours is one thing, but if it's out where everyone can see and the store can use it as fodder for gossip, it's not going to bode well for them. Discretion is of the utmost importance with a position like HR or AP.
I've told this one before but here goes.
Prior to being the manager of my district my boss was a counselor and my friend on Facebook.
In fact she wasn't a friend with very many of her coworkers, like 3 or 4 of us.
When she became the manager she defriended me, apologizing profusely.
I understood and wasn't upset.
It comes with the job.
We are still friends IRL (though I stopped giving her shit in public).

Long answer to a simple question, no they shouldn't be.
No, it's bad form. I'm FB friends with a couple of former TMs and only one current TM, and we're all on the same level - just TMs, not leaders. There's so much that could go wrong with the situation you describe.

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