Archived Sr Pog TL?

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Oct 8, 2018
So an opportunity for Sr. TL Pog has possibly come up. I’m not too familiar with Pog. What would the schedule be like? Is it hard work? Is it different with the fact it’s a Sr. position? Thanks.
I've personally never seen a store that has a Sr. TL over POG. Our POG TL works M-F from like 6a-2:30p. You would be responsible for leading a team re-setting new aisles in hardlines and new sets (like the transition to Wondershop, electronics reset) and would report to the ETL-LOG. As for if its difficult... it all depends on your team and your STL. Our team is usually a week ahead of setting things. I can only imagine how stressful it would be to be behind and have your DTL/STL breathing down your neck if you were behind on a transition.

I would need more information about your store to give you a guess as to an actual schedule though as Sr. Are you overnight, how many Sr TL's do you have, do you have a LOG/Flow SR TL? My guess though is its either high volume and they just have an extra Sr spot to throw somewhere or its low volume and no Sr Flow or your ETL-LOG is about to head out with no backfill.
We have Sr POG. He works the same kind of schedule as the rest of us.
I also know someone who’s a Sr PPTL who works the same schedule as the rest of the SrTLs and ETLs.

SrTL is going away at the beginning of next year. Most , if not all, current TLs will become key carriers and the bad ones will be performanced out.

May as well get that pay increase that will soon go away now.
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I'm just jealous that all of y'all still have pog teams... 🙁
It's not for long, we're cutting ours come January.

Our pptl was a sr, and did lod on her weekend shifts. Sometimes. Mostly she had a key so she could let people in when we were a 4am store. And could do overnights.
It's not for long, we're cutting ours come January.

Our pptl was a sr, and did lod on her weekend shifts. Sometimes. Mostly she had a key so she could let people in when we were a 4am store. And could do overnights.

I think we are ending ours soon too. Tell you one thing, once I'm absorbed into another work center, I'm not looking back. No more straightening up the fixture room. No more ordering anything. No looking stuff up for people. No more making sure we have supplies. Done. No one else does it, why should I. The upper management team at Target is on the ball, they don't need little ol' me. For example, they sent us two extra battery side caps. The pmt put them up. But what's that? We don't have enough 6" peghooks. Well hot damn, let's leave them up and completely empty for months. That's right folks. Empty. And did anyone order new pegs? Sure as shit not. They assumed I did it. But no one asked me to, so I didn't. Gotta love it.
I think we are ending ours soon too. Tell you one thing, once I'm absorbed into another work center, I'm not looking back. No more straightening up the fixture room. No more ordering anything. No looking stuff up for people. No more making sure we have supplies. Done. No one else does it, why should I. The upper management team at Target is on the ball, they don't need little ol' me. For example, they sent us two extra battery side caps. The pmt put them up. But what's that? We don't have enough 6" peghooks. Well hot damn, let's leave them up and completely empty for months. That's right folks. Empty. And did anyone order new pegs? Sure as shit not. They assumed I did it. But no one asked me to, so I didn't. Gotta love it.
Can you send those to me fedex? I'm missing two my GC tossed during remodel and we've not ordered more to replace them. We just tie and lie and sit on a crapton of extra batteries.
It has already happened at the stores that began testing it last year. At my store it began after Christmas was set. The depts set their own. My pog tl is now the sfs tl and our sfs tl was moved to Hardlines.
Out of all, grocery is the most freaked out by setting their own. Especially when they had to do yogurt a few weeks back.
I just started training to be the pricing and presentation team lead at my store. Why would they hire me and put me through all this training if they are getting rid of the position?
I just started training to be the pricing and presentation team lead at my store. Why would they hire me and put me through all this training if they are getting rid of the position?[/QUOTE because there stupid pptl and the team is going away😏
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