Archived Starbucks drink recipes

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Sweetener (if any) goes in first; iced coffee to the top line. Then, unless guest says otherwise, just enough cream to turn it a caramel color (not even a 1/2 inch); ice to the top.
After we got fussed at for "too much" cream (& having to pour it out), we simply leave room for the guest.
Anyone have any tips on cup writing or a quick list of most drinks and how to write them? This is the part that's tripping me up the most.. It should be simple and easy to guess how to write each drink but some things are throwing me off. Like if someone orders an Americano, would I write A or CA for caffe americano? and then for lattes do you every write the 'L' for latte or just for example CB for caramel brule latte? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!
From our guide thread on Starbucks:
Good stuff:

Decaf box
X = Decaf
1/2 = Half Decaf

Shots box
R = Ristretto
1 = Single
2 = Double
3 = Triple
4 = Quad
FR = Frappuccino Roast

Syrup/Sauce box
C = Caramel Syrup
CH = Chai Concentrate
CD = Cinnamon Dolce
CL = Classic
CR = Caramel Sauce
H = Hazelnut Syrup
HZ = Hazelnut Sauce
M = Mocha Sauce
P = Peppermint
R = Raspberry
SFC = Sugar-Free Caramel
SFCD = Sugar-Free Cinnamon Dolce
SFH = Sugar-Free Hazelnut
SFM = Sugar-Free Mocha
SFV = Sugar-Free Vanilla
TN = Toffee Nut
V = Vanilla
WM = White Chocolate Mocha Sauce

Milk box
B = Breve (half-and-half)
HC = Heavy Cream
N = Nonfat/Skim Milk
S = Soy Milk
WH = Whole Milk

Custom box
AJ = Apple Juice
ASK = Ask Me
BT = Black Tea
CHIP = Frappuccino Chips
CHP = Chocolate Powder
CNP = Cinnamon Powder
CR = Caramel Sauce (topping)
CRM = Cream
BLx2 = Double blended
D = Dry
XT = Extra Tea
F = Foamy
GT = Green Tea
HANDOFF = Alternate handoff
HN = Honey
ICE - Ice
K = Kid's beverage
Lt = Light (in front of other code)
LM = Lemonade
M = Mocha Sauce (as topping)
MT = Matcha Green Tea Powder
TOP = No topping
PT = Passion Tea
ROOM = Room
SL = Sweet'n Low
SP = Splenda
SR = Sugar in the Raw
STIR = Stirred
ST = Strawberry Juice
SUG = Sugar
U = Upside down
VP = Vanilla Powder
VB = Vanilla Bean Powder
H20 = Water
W = Wet
WC = Whipped Cream
X = Extra (in front of other code)
XH = Extra Hot
= = Equal
/ = No (placed over other code)

Drink box - Blended and Shaken Beverages
Frappuccino Blended Coffee
CF = Coffee
CRF = Caramel
CVF = Caffe Vanilla
EF = Espresso
JCF = Java Chip
MF = Mocha
WMF = White Chocolate Mocha

Frappuccino Light Blended Coffee
CFL = Coffee Light
CRFL = Caramel Light
CVFL = Caffe Vanilla Light
EFL = Espresso Light
JCFL = Java Chip Light
MFL = Mocha Light
WMFL = White Chocolate Mocha Light

Frappuccino Blended Creme
CHCF = Tazo Chai Creme
DCCF = Double Chocolatey Chip
GTF = Green Tea
SF = Syrup Creme
STCF = Strawberries & Creme
VBF = Vanilla Bean

Other Blended Beverages
BSL = Blended Strawberry Lemonade
CS = Chocolate Smoothie
SS = Strawberry Smoothie
OMS = Orange Mango Smoothie

Tazo Shaken Ice Teas
PT = Shaken Passion Iced Tea
PTL = Shaken Passion Tea Lemonade
PGTL = Shaken Peach Green Tea Lemonade
GTL = Shaken Green Tea Lemonade
GT = Shaken Green Iced Tea
BT = Shaken Black Iced Tea
BTL = Shaken Black Tea Lemonade

Drink box - Starbucks Refreshers beverages
BHR = Verry Berry Hibiscus
CLR = Cool Lime
VOR = Valencia Orange

Drink box - Hot and Cold Beverages
A = Cafe Americano
BC = Brewed Coffee
C = Cappuccino
CAS = Caramel Apple Spice
CDL = Cinnamon Dolce Latte
CH = Tazo Chai Tea Latte
CIT = Tazo Custom Iced Tea
CM = Caramel Macchiato
E = Espresso
ECP = Espresso con Panna
EM = Espresso Macchiato
GRTL = Green Tea Latte
HC = Hot Chocolate
HM = Hazelnut Macchiato
IC = Iced Coffee
L = Caffe Latte
M = Caffe Mocha
MILK = Cold Milk
MIS = Caffe Misto
SCR = Syrup Creme
SKCDL = Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte
SKHM = Skinny Hazelnut Macchiato
SKSL = Skinny Syrup Latte
SM = Steamed Milk
T = Tazo Tea
BLTL = Tazo Black Tea Latte
EGTL = Tazo Earl Grey Tea Latte
VRTL = Tazo Vanilla Rooibos Tea Latte
TMIS = Tea Misto
VCR = Vanilla Creme
WHC = White Hot Chocolate
WM = White Chocolate Mocha

Holiday/Seasonal Drinks
CBL = Caramel Brulee Late
CRCF = Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino
ENL = Eggnog Latte
GBL = Gingerbread Latte
MCCF = Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino
CCCF = Chocolate Cookie Crumble Frappuccino
PM = Peppermint Mocha
PSL = Pumpkin Spice Latte
SCM = Salted Caramel Mocha
SCHC = Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate
I know I'm missing some..just can't remember any more!
Thank you!! This is a HUGE help!!!! I've only had 2 days of sbux training and they were a week apart so I'm trying to learn as much as I can on my own so I don't screw anything up haha!
I have another question... are there two types of vanilla fraps or three? Would caffe vanilla and vanilla be considered the same frap?
Sorry for all the questions... but what is the difference between a light frap as opposed to a skinny or nonfat frap?
Last question, I promise!!! ...for now... haha!
For teas, if they want the tea sweetened do I write CL in the syrup box or do they just come sweetened and I only cross out the CL if they don't want it sweetened?
There's a vanilla bean frappucino which is cream-based (no coffee), kinda like a vanilla shake.
Then there's a cafe vanilla frappucino which is just like the van bean but has coffee base added.
Light (frapps) & skinny (lattes) are generally the same: nonfat milk, sugar-free syrups/base, no whip.
Nonfat usually means substituting the regularly used milk with nonfat without use of sugar-free syrups.
On teas or iced coffee, some stores write 'SW' or 'UN' in the syrup box on the cup; some leave it empty unless sweetener is requested/specified using Cl or a flavored syrup letter.
Black, passion & green teas are brewed unsweetened but there's a black tea that's sweetened with cane sugar (purple lidded pitcher).
When writing drink codes, less is better unless the guest is loading up their drink with details.
I've seen some cups written up like a Tolstoy novel.
My daughters looked like it was written in Klingon.
Dirty four shot iced chai latte with soy milk.
So with the cafe vanilla frap, is there no vanilla syrup added? Or do you add vanilla syrup even though the vanilla bean doesn't use vanilla syrup?
And again, thank you guys so much for all of your help, I greatly appreciate it!!! I just know sometimes people are in such a rush and really just want their drink asap so I'm nervous about being too slow or screwing their drink up or whatever... I just want to get it down as quick as I can!! Haha
So with the cafe vanilla frap, is there no vanilla syrup added? Or do you add vanilla syrup even though the vanilla bean doesn't use vanilla syrup?
The vanilla bean frapp is cream-based so the vanilla powder is used; add coffee base & that's your cafe vanilla frapp. When in doubt, read your recipe cards.

Raktajino (pronounced rack-tə-jeen-oh) was Klingon coffee, served steamed or iced.
I hate working in Starbucks. I've worked 3 shifts over there in my 4 years and I hated every one of them. If it got past the basic stuff on the menu, I needed help.

Yeh, I prefer FA but they lost a couple TMs on the SB side so they've been scheduling me there more & more D:
Yeah, it's a bit overwhelming at first but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it! I pretty much have the frapps down except for a few that aren't normal ones haha. Iced teas are simple enough, but the refreshers still trip me up a bit. Now it's just memorizing all the pumps/shots. There are so many exceptions to the numbers that I keep forgetting. Like in a white mocha frap I do one less pump bc it's a bigger pump I guess...? hahaha
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