Archived Starbucks remodel?

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I wish we had warming. Our guests get mad when they ask to have something warmed and he have to apologize for not having a warmer. We feel like such heels. Oh well. I hope we get to remodel and get warming-no word on this yet.
Our SB gets 120 hours on a good week. The SB DM wants and suggests more but it doesn't happen.

I wouldn't hold my breath on the DM wrangling more hours.
We had to have the Starbucks DM pitch the biggest fit ever for them to finally hire and train enough People, so complaining/politely guiding them to a realization can help. Granted ours was a dire situation, 10 people required to be trained for our store size and only 5 were.
Our store is getting this remodel. Starbucks has consumed the café we once had so all we will have is a bigger food ave. Sad about this but they keep promising us that the food will be better. LOL Better and likely pricier I imagine. But anyways...
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