Stepping down as a leader

Jun 1, 2018
Anyone know what the process is like- I know I have to transfer stores but anyone ever get promoted back to TL?
Anyone know what the process is like- I know I have to transfer stores but anyone ever get promoted back to TL?
The process of stepping down itself is uncommon, and the opportunity to promote again depends greatly on the reasons for initially stepping down as well as your continued performance after stepping down combined with the type of ETLs/SD/DSD you have at your new store.

An even more uncommon case is for the TL to step down without leaving the store, though this usually requires some very specific circumstances to even be considered. Such a case would also make promoting again even harder.

Edit: the actual process works just like a transfer in essence, just with a couple extra steps. You'd have to get approval from both stores at minimum, then go through any necessary paperwork for the demotion upon transfer, which would generally include an acknowledgement of the associated pay cut and new role.
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I was a senior TL back when that was a thing. I stepped down to just regular TL and stayed at the same store, despite knowing the code to the safe, and I gave up my key.

A year later I stepped down from TL and they made me transfer stores, even though I didn’t want to at the time.

A year after that, I got promoted back to TL. I had a few ETLs and SDs on my side with it, and I knew the DSD. I had to really plead my case to get the interview at all, but they nearly promoted me on the spot when the interview was over.

Two years after that (which was just a few months ago), my store was so short on key holders that they gave me a key and I had some LOD shifts on weekends. And now that my store got a couple key holders back (still short by 1), they stopped scheduling me for LOD shifts, although I still have the key to the store.
During my first stint at Target, we had a TL demote to TM, staying at the same store. He went back to college. Then graduated. Eventually, he became TL again at same store, then SR TL, then ETL then STL
I've seen only 2 TLs demote themselves at the store I was at. They pretty much had to quit and reapply. They wouldn't let them simply just demote.
I was able to demote myself from a TL to a TM and stay in the same store but had to switch to a department with an open position. I guess it all depends on your store's needs.
We had a TL in Electronics who stepped down when she got pregnant and wanted to spend more time with the kiddo.
She was well loved because when she did come in she knew everything inside and out.
I would have liked to have worked with her as a TL because she seemed really nice.

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