STI is made up of two parts. It's confusing and dumb so I'll try to explain it.
Corporate score which ranges from 50-175. What that means is a score of 100 means that if you received a 3% bonus. You would get 100% of that 3%.
So if you make 10,000 a year for simple math. Got a 3% bonus and score was 100. You would get 300 as a bonus.
The second part is your performance. If you performed well you could get 4% or 5% as a bonus. So same salary as before, you would get 400 or 500 as a bonus.
Then it gets tricky. You could earn a 6% bonus because you're awesome. But because let's say corp score was 175 you would get 175% of your 6%.So instead of 600 you would get a 1050 bonus because 175% of 600 is 1050. This year score is
In Merit 1-3, 3% is average performance and doing basic expectation. You did your job but you really didn't excel but also you didn't cause headaches.