Archived STL in store

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Life sucks and nothing good can come of it.
Jun 16, 2011
It seems as if our STL is only at the store one day a week. She's been at our store for a little over a year and I just don't understand how she can be an STL if she's never there.
Maybe she's there when you are off? I work weekdays and leave by noon or a little later and don't see our stl for a few days because she's coming in for closing hours. And she's there weekends when I'm not.

Of course, asants and your stl could be majorly slacking.
It seems as if our STL is only at the store one day a week. She's been at our store for a little over a year and I just don't understand how she can be an STL if she's never there.
what hours do you work? My previous one rarely ever closed because he hated it. So he did only what was mandatory.
Most ETL's and STL's tend to take their vacations now while the store is slow enough so that could be the case. Also, a few months ago they got rid of vacation time for STL's. They can take off as much time as they want as long as the DTL approves it.
I haven't seen my STL in months!

She's on maternity, but that's besides the point..

She'll be back soon! I met her son this weekend.

It seems as if our STL is only at the store one day a week. She's been at our store for a little over a year and I just don't understand how she can be an STL if she's never there.

To be fair to stls they work a lot from home. It's not a job you can bs like etl guest experience.

Some are on the floor more than others but they work a lot/constantly have the stl in their ear. They usually work 50 hours a week minimum this time of year and even more at home.

Also consider that the fall national meeting is in Minnesota next week so no stls will be in stores.
Wow our Stl is here all the time. When she's the opening LOD (which is 4 days out of the week) she will arrive at 6am and won't leave till 6pm... like why
Wow, I see my STL all the time. She's open LOD a lot of the time.
I don't often see mine more than 3 days a week, but she opens every Sunday (when I'm always off) and closes once a week (after I've already left). And as STL she often has meetings and conference calls, which require time out of the store or in the office or conference room.
Wow our Stl is here all the time. When she's the opening LOD (which is 4 days out of the week) she will arrive at 6am and won't leave till 6pm... like why

Some are driven by the desire to succeed but also Stls get performanced out quite often, @Targetcar can tell you about it. Those who aren't good at planning don't last. As an stl when the store fails it falls on you. At my old store our stl often worked 7am to 11pm q4 then would be back at 7 the next day.

She makes well over six figures so she has plenty of incentive.
At my old store our stl often worked 7am to 11pm q4 then would be back at 7 the next day.

She makes well over six figures so she has plenty of incentive.
Our old STL did the exact same thing... but lived an hour and a half away.
She'll be back soon! I met her son this weekend.

To be fair to stls they work a lot from home. It's not a job you can bs like etl guest experience.

Some are on the floor more than others but they work a lot/constantly have the stl in their ear. They usually work 50 hours a week minimum this time of year and even more at home.

Also consider that the fall national meeting is in Minnesota next week so no stls will be in stores.
Which is good considering what is happening in Florida and Georgia right now.
Some are driven by the desire to succeed but also Stls get performanced out quite often, @Targetcar can tell you about it. Those who aren't good at planning don't last. As an stl when the store fails it falls on you. At my old store our stl often worked 7am to 11pm q4 then would be back at 7 the next day.

She makes well over six figures so she has plenty of incentive.
This! Although I've seen plenty of people "performanced out" who shouldn't be. It's really a shame. The politics in this company are just mind boggling. The stories I could share...
My wife and I were just laughing about how I was "performanced out" because my boss wanted to replace me with a friend. What she used against me as reasons for me to leave were insane. I've seen and heard tons about how my district is not better if not worse than when I was there which goes to show I was clearly the problem right?. You can work 60-70 hour work weeks, do everything you're supposed to, but the higher ups/ your boss really can use anything against you. I was getting in trouble for things that should have been my DTLs problem but my 18 months were up sooner than hers sooooo....
So greatful for my time with target but so
Thankful to not be working for them anymore. However if I had to do it again I would not promote past STL. NOT WORTH IT!!
I don't often see mine more than 3 days a week, but she opens every Sunday (when I'm always off) and closes once a week (after I've already left). And as STL she often has meetings and conference calls, which require time out of the store or in the office or conference room.

Mine keeps a similar schedule.. She leaves me alone enough..
I see my STL on average 3 times a week. Before he was never in the building.

She'll be back soon! I met her son this weekend.

To be fair to stls they work a lot from home. It's not a job you can bs like etl guest experience.

Some are on the floor more than others but they work a lot/constantly have the stl in their ear. They usually work 50 hours a week minimum this time of year and even more at home.

Also consider that the fall national meeting is in Minnesota next week so no stls will be in stores.

My GE prior to my current one was pretty good. My current ETL-GE is technically my trainee. I mean he knows absolutely nothing and I'm doing everything, but he's getting the credit of course. Front End has no respect for Captain oblivious. Definitely a position you can BS. Just have your GSTLs do everything . Wherever your ETL is asking you how to do write ups, you're dealing with incompetence.
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Yeah, we have SF/GE, and the GE part is definitely minimal.
Huh... I see my STL about three times a week and we all know when he's in. He is not at all shy about helping to stock shelves, hop on a register or get carts. If he's doing it, he expects the other ETLs to do it to.
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