Archived Store Tie Clearance to and Endcap

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Jan 15, 2014

Does anyone know how, or if it is possible to tie clearance to an endcap using the store tie application? This would be useful for the P.A. team when then need to come back through and re-ticket items. I noticed today that some clearance items have a home location on focals and whatnot but I want to know if I can create and tie an endcap of clearance myself...

Any help on how this works would be much appreciated!
Sounds like more work than its worth. But yes this is technically possible.
Just take it up to gs & get it marked clearance, exception is seasonal. Your best bet is to store tie disconnected or NOP items on the endcap. That will come up on the pricing report when it does go on clearance.
Clearance items once marked initially are blocked from being Store Tied to any endcap or sidecap, I tried lol. Not sure what other types of items are blocked as well.
So once ticketed it is not possible to tie the clearance to an endcap..
I guess I'd have to tie it before it drops clearance correct?
Per best practice, you shouldn't be tying clearance using store tie. As long as it is on an endcap, your pricing team should be able to find it. Store tie is good for helping price change find NOP to ticket though.
Clearance should be on back end caps also. Our leaders at my old store always wanted me to make sure to kill any front end caps that went clearance right away.
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