Archived Store Walkout

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I don't think we will ever see a big box have a union.. First you would need people to know what they are doing to organize it. Next you would need people who cared..

To form a union, you have to have people who truly care about their future and not people who are just surviving for the moment. A person would be better off, looking for a job at a company that already has a union, if they are looking for union type benefits.
I can't think of many places that have become unionized in a long time.. Maybe over 30 years. I'm sure there are some, I just haven't heard of any.
I don't think we will ever see a big box have a union.. First you would need people to know what they are doing to organize it. Next you would need people who cared..

To form a union, you have to have people who truly care about their future and not people who are just surviving for the moment. A person would be better off, looking for a job at a company that already has a union, if they are looking for union type benefits.
I can't think of many places that have become unionized in a long time.. Maybe over 30 years. I'm sure there are some, I just haven't heard of any.

Actually there was a Target that voted for a union.
The company promptly shut it down for 'remodeling' and laid everyone off.
The labor department is suing them but the fine is going to be far less than what they would face with a unionized store (not is costs but in sheer fear of other stores organizing).
I don't think we will ever see a big box have a union.. First you would need people to know what they are doing to organize it. Next you would need people who cared..

To form a union, you have to have people who truly care about their future and not people who are just surviving for the moment. A person would be better off, looking for a job at a company that already has a union, if they are looking for union type benefits.
I can't think of many places that have become unionized in a long time.. Maybe over 30 years. I'm sure there are some, I just haven't heard of any.

Actually there was a Target that voted for a union.
The company promptly shit it down for 'remodeling' and laid everyone off.
I didn't know that...I guess Spot made sure it had the last word
Well, here's one target worker who plans to put her job on the line for a union. I might not be able to depending on whether or not a GSA is considered "management" but we shall see.

If you are paid by the hour you are not management.
In that case wish me luck.

For you.


Well I do agree with you for the most members are replaceable. However, seeing the way leadership ( or lack of it ) has changed with Spot in the last 5-8 years...I know that ALL of us are replaceable. Stl, etl, srtl, tl, tm....and even the dtl,ceo etc etc . Spot doesn't care about your " title" if they want or need you gone that's it ...

I tend to use TM to describe all positions. You're right, Target doesn't care about position. Sadly, everyone is replaceable.
I've had a TM clock out and leave his shift 4 hours early and go home without telling anyone in the building (including the LOD) and all HR let me do was coach him. Wasn't able to write him up, even with other examples of unwise decisions (this was his first time doing this though). So there's that. However, if you did this on Black Friday you would be blacklisted and your TL would look for any ways to write you up from there on out...
Years ago ( I feel like most of my stories start this we had a Stl and ETL-hr who decided that if you called out anytime from Black Friday through Christmas eve that it would count against you twice. For example , if you called out for one would go down as you missing two days. They got away with it all during the 4th quarter...then shortly after Christmas we had an all store meeting...The stl and e h r both apologized and said they were wrong for that...come to find out they were reported to the district HR person.
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