Stores Closing, Sadly No Surprise

Yeah, local small businesses in Oakland (where one one of those Targets is at) literally closed their doors to protest for a few hours due to the theft issue.

But it's definitely not theft though. Nobody is stealing anything in these areas. Nope, no way.

Free speech is a necessary thing but holy shit the internet and how one person basically abusing said free speech has the ability to influence people by the boatloads is a real fucking tangled up mess to unravel and fix.

Back to a serious note... ultimately, without access to their internal goals, access to their P&L statements and access to their conversations at the top levels, it is all just speculative and irresponsible to speak with confidence on such things.

That being said, maybe if Target actually staffed their stores the theft would be less of an issue.

This all reeks of a combination of corporate greed and needing to meet certain quotas, retail sales going down due to online competition, inflation brought on by an irresponsible government, areas most likely to be impacted by crime, and... shocker... less profit because of people committing crime.

I don't think it's just any one thing but one major thing Target can't control is the behavior of its shoppers. As such, maybe this is what they blame it on despite it being a bit more of a multifaceted issue. And it might be true if the crime wasn't so far up the stores would remain open. Perhaps the crime is might be the tipping point.

Ultimately, however, we don't know.
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I wonder if these stores are SFS stores? Meaning, since Target is leaning more on SFS and OPU are they closing stores that aren't capable of growing in those areas. Either due to lack of room to expand or low sales and/or growth impact/trends in those areas.

My conspiracy theory (not knowing anything about the stores closing, mind you) ... Target is going to close up any store not doing SFS or low on volume for OPU and SFS. Then later-on, they're going to open in new locations with the capability of heavily doing both.
I wonder if these stores are SFS stores? Meaning, since Target is leaning more on SFS and OPU are they closing stores that aren't capable of growing in those areas. Either due to lack of room to expand or low sales and/or growth impact/trends in those areas.

My conspiracy theory (not knowing anything about the stores closing, mind you) ... Target is going to close up any store not doing SFS or low on volume for OPU and SFS. Then later-on, they're going to open in new locations with the capability of heavily doing both.
I don't understand why the big wigs don't use small formats to facilitate urban OPU ops. Why not allow for OPU for items not carried by the store? Amazon has Amazon Hubs + pickup now, why can't Target?
From what I've seen in at least a couple of these stores, they are downright dangerous for the employees at times. It sucks, but I don't know that there was a better solution.
tHeY DeSeRvE It, ThEy sUpPoRt bLm aNd lOsT MoNeY FrOm bOyCoTtS AnD AlLoWiNg lOoTiNg tO HaPpEn aNd iT’S In cRaP CiTiEs. KaRmA DoEs iT’S ThInG.
It’s the truth but a lot of y’all don’t wanna hear that. This what happens when the government ran by radical Dems allow people to run rampant and not have police and security do their jobs to try and prevent it.
Liberal spineless local DA's. This shit is just the beginning.

They deserve it, They support BLM and lost money from boycotts and allowing looting to happen and it’s in crap cities. Karma does it’s thing.
Are you guys and Fox News laboring under some delusion that Republican- run cities have less shoplifting or that the law enforcement in said cities give one crap more than "Democrat-run" cities, to quote Fox's news headline from earlier today?

Alrighty then...🤣
My understanding is that these are all small format low volume stores and rather than admit it was a bad management choice they are try to blame shortage as the cause.
SFS are high cost stores to run and supply with a low volume and somehow they thought they could earn a profit by understaffing them.
I would not be surprised if shortage was high in those stores the way they are set up, but if there was profit to be made management has shown it’s willingness to lock everything up.

“some political rant to stay on topic: target managers are all like those bad politicians”
Target needs to work with district attorneys to enforce current laws. If they think closing stores will be a deterrent for crime, it’s not going to work.
Debate is on now.

If the debate is going to be political i.e. which party is responsible for crime or store closings then it belongs in the politics thread.
Go there.
Don't make me stop this car.
Otherwise steps may have to be taken.

Don't make me stop this car.

But also, I love how people instantly jumped to politics when in reality, these stores are most likely just not profitable and they closed them because of that.

Because announcing you're closing a store because of profitability is sounds a lot worse than blaming it on something "uncontrollable"
I know the seattle store is a small format idk about portland. Neither sueprise me given how those cities have been falling apart tbh. Also doeant surprise me given how much spot has allowed theives to run rampant. Frankly brick and mortar big box or not has numbered days unless something changes. Its just. A weird twist of economics. Like how malls have pretty much been going extinct for some time. Times are changing.
I would imagine that theft was a problem for these stores (ESPECIALLY the ones in CA, whew boy that state has problems) but it also wouldn't surprise me if there was much more going wrong behind the scenes. Blaming a store's issues on some boogie man issue has been done to death and it's not surprising that Target would do it too.

I will say though that my store is in a "nuisance area" (anyone's guess where) and I do get worried that too many people trying to steal/successfully stealing will make the store close in under five years. It'd be devasting, but not super surprising
The part I find interesting and this will be my only two cents on the subject is that wage theft costs U.S. workers as much as $50 billion per year which is a fuckton more than all robberies, burglaries, shoplifting, and motor vehicle thefts combined.
And yet even when employers get busted for it they hardly ever go to jail and often barely have to pay more in fines over what they stole.
That is seriously fucked up.

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