Archived Stories about your store/corporate leadship.

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Dec 10, 2014
When I started at target, my first STL was tough but fair. He was an experienced person with a overall good leadership team. He started from Cart Attendant and worked his way up to STL. Crossing training in many areas and moving up the ranks one at a time. When I was fired ETL for accidental no call no show I immediated terminated by ETL-GE under (90 days). I called the target hotline to fight it and actually allowed to come back. The ETL-GE that fired me was fired three months later after the hotline call. I will never forget the words of my first STL. My STL told me "I don't care you called the hotline and glad to have you back on the team." Less than a month my STL transferred and six months later The STL passed away from health problems. I found about this six months after he passed away from another team member.

Time Line

Early January Hotline Call
Middle of January Hotline Decision made
End of January STL Transfer
End of July STL Passes Away
End of next January Found out about the news
I've worked at several stores but will give the last store I worked at as to this day it was my most enjoyable stores. So I moved from out of town to back here in the northeast region to take care of someone who was ill. In about a years time, the ETL LOG seemed to like my work ethic along with the rest of the leadership team and wanted to promote me to TL. In a few months time, I was promoted to TL. My STL at that time was VERY quiet. He spoke very little to all aspects of leadership from ETL down. After about 4 months since I got promoted, he left. His replacement to this day has been the best STL I have ever worked for. He literally worked alongside ALL workcenters!! Starbucks, Guest Service, Backroom, Cart attendant, there was never an off limit area to him. He was charismatic, personable, relatable, and firm. Leader among Leadership. With great leaders as we all know don't stay very long as he "fixed" our store, he was asked to fix another store and then had to be transferred as he wanted to one day become a DTL.
There's an stl in my state who walked into the bathroom to find a team member who had committed suicide. To hold his team together after something so devastating was nothing short of impressive. Not sure I would still be with Target under those circumstances.
I had the same STL for 8 years. When she first started, she was a good leader in most aspects. The one area she was lacking was empathy for family issues. Then she became pregnant and within two years had 2 kids of her own. It was amazing to see her transformation from someone who, before, had little regard for family issues to someone who could finally relate.

I'll give an example. I'm on the salesfloor. I hear her talking on the phone to her kids daycare. She sees me talking on her phone. I don't say anything. None of my business. What's funny is that she cups the receiver and says to me, "It's important." Well of course it's important, it's your kids. I wanted to tell her that everyone's kids are important to them. But take it offstage. She'd have never let that fly from a tm before she had kids.
I was and am lucky to have good managers top to bottom. (Well, that one guy). I always try to remember that when there's a um, er questionable idea or process that the Leads may dislike it as much as we do and don't have the luxury of venting.
I do miss my last STL, he wasn't a real get your hands dirty kinda guy, but believed that those that know the job, let them fucking do it and give them the tools to do it. We needed stuff we got it, a new line for taking doubles, tubs, carts, equipment he pushed god knows how hard to get us more equipment that we were supposed to have. Cause he saw the value in it. His store sales shot up, people didn't mind the slog of the work when it got bad. Where our new STL? Yeah numbers are tanking badly.
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