Archived Straight Outta Target

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Aug 19, 2013
Target has been a second job for me for a long time. I haven't needed the money for the past couple of years but I hung around due to the fact that it's nice to be around some people relatively close to my age (at my main job, I'm the youngest by ~20 years) and the discount was great for my grocery bill.

Ever since the implementation of E2E, both of those reasons are no longer really valid. Our hours have dropped so drastically that I barely ever see anyone. I used to work directly with a team of 5-6 other people supporting the sales floor. Now I'm by myself 75% of the time.

I shopped at the SuperTarget I worked at, despite 2 PFresh stores being much closer to my house, specifically because I could reliably fill my shopping list there. I hated going to a PFresh store because there was ALWAYS something on my list that wasn't carried there. Our remodel, combined with E2E, has had the same result. Several items/brands got axed that I frequently used for cooking at home. It became simpler to just shop at a nearby grocery store instead even if it was more expensive.

With that, there became no reason for me to stay. I was tired of going there after working a full shift at my main job and the atmosphere is just depressing. It's long past due time for it to end.
So much extra time now!!! Congrats to you (and a little bit jealous bc I'm still doing the 2 job thing)!
Good luck! Keep on posting, please. I love your stuff.

So sorry you're leaving but glad you weren't locked into the job.
Please keep your presence on here active; you're a sane voice in the red & white asylum.

I plan to. While I'll quickly lose touch with store processes, the off topic is active enough to hold my interest.
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