Archived Stupid TMs

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PA at my store is as well.

Yeah that used to be the case at mine. But that's never guaranteed, all it takes is someone to piss in the cheerios of the ETL managing pFresh to decide they need more market team members and less PAs with full time.

Hours at Target are always garbage. The only saving grace for my store is that the majority of the TMs at my store are under 24, in school, and living with their parents so they don't care if their hours are short.
Yeah that used to be the case at mine. But that's never guaranteed, all it takes is someone to piss in the cheerios of the ETL managing pFresh to decide they need more market team members and less PAs with full time.

Hours at Target are always garbage. The only saving grace for my store is that the majority of the TMs at my store are under 24, in school, and living with their parents so they don't care if their hours are short.
I'm fortunate that one of my DTL's main focuses is PFresh. With that being the case and the fact that my TL only spends 2 days a week in Market, I thankfully average 40 hours a week year round.
From January to hmmm march the majority will be lucky to get even 20 hours a week I am sure!
Holy shit, 20?? Damn. So when they said I was hired fulltime, they just meant part time with extra hours then. That sucks big time.
I'm Backroom and most of the time I get 36+ hours every week.

Of course I bust my ass every single day.

Ditto for our store, backroom gets 30 to 40 hours. For overnight, they have no choice if they want backstock done before they leave for the day. But for dayside, nearly everyone they've hired has quit within a couple months. We have 3 dayside regulars (only me and one other guy have been there longer than a year) and the newest one probably won't last much longer. We outsource from other departments for holiday coverage and it's still a clusterfuck (mostly cuz they frontload coverage).

The CAF pusher gets 30 to 40 hours too.
Ditto for our store, backroom gets 30 to 40 hours. For overnight, they have no choice if they want backstock done before they leave for the day. But for dayside, nearly everyone they've hired has quit within a couple months. We have 3 dayside regulars (only me and one other guy have been there longer than a year) and the newest one probably won't last much longer. We outsource from other departments for holiday coverage and it's still a clusterfuck (mostly cuz they frontload coverage).

The CAF pusher gets 30 to 40 hours too.
Why did everyone in your backroom dayside team quit so suddenly?
I'm guessing because they don't get much hours and with all the workload, it's too much for beginners.
Why did everyone in your backroom dayside team quit so suddenly?

It's not the hardest job in the world, but it is physically demanding. And in order to get everything done, you have to work fast (and smart, if the BEV1 CAF is asking for 200 jugs of water...) Many may not feel they're getting their money's worth for how much they have to do physically.
It takes time to really learn how to be efficient in backroom. Dayside is a timed mess, and overnights is physically demanding. Nothing like standing on a ladder for 4 hours being thrown candy, or seasonal black line.

Not to mention we've been clearing/setting up the line since the new closers can't do it.
It takes time to really learn how to be efficient in backroom. Dayside is a timed mess, and overnights is physically demanding. Nothing like standing on a ladder for 4 hours being thrown candy, or seasonal black line.

Not to mention we've been clearing/setting up the line since the new closers can't do it.

Yes, for dayside, time is totally messed up, mostly thanks to how they schedule us and what they ask us to do. On a typical non-holiday time Sunday, they schedule 2 daysiders, and the first usually leaves before 6 and the closer leaves at 8:30. We have CAFS from 11 to 6 and the closer has to do price changes, set the line and (in theory) finish all the backstock while taking 2 breaks and a lunch. Virtually impossible.
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