Submitting an application - to walmart of all places

Apr 19, 2021
I've decided to quit. At my old store (not saying they were good, but whatever),after a solid YEAR of nonstop hard work I was finally getting to the point where I had a consistent 35+ hours, if not always 40. Now that i've transferred, naturally, my hours are being cut to where i'm only working 3 days a week (but hey, at least they're 8 hour shifts). I submitted an application to sams club and walmart, and depending on whether they can offer me a similar position as I once had (full time) and their new higher starting pay, i'm gone from target. I shouldn't be getting scheduled like the new seasonals (who I end up training on a lot of stuff) when half the time I end up as the fastest picker.
Oh please no my brother worked at Wally world. He hated it and they are just as bad as Tarshit. Try banks,post office,temp agencies,liabray,shipt,uber. Going to those assholes is the wrong way to go. Your better than Tarshit or them. Everyone is better than those places.
Oh please no my brother worked at Wally world. He hated it and they are just as bad as Tarshit. Try banks,post office,temp agencies,liabray,shipt,uber. Going to those assholes is the wrong way to go. Your better than Tarshit or them. Everyone is better than those places.
I'm going to see if I can get full time at sams club. I heard it's $15.50 an hour there for fulfillment. If they don't hire me, I'll probably sell my car and find something better to do with my life than slaving away for billionaires
I'm going to see if I can get full time at sams club. I heard it's $15.50 an hour there for fulfillment. If they don't hire me, I'll probably sell my car and find something better to do with my life than slaving away for billionaires
Well I hope find something good. Just I hope it's not retail. Maybe go into quick training program or something. Remember you deserve better.
Well I hope find something good. Just I hope it's not retail. Maybe go into quick training program or something. Remember you deserve better.
I don't mind shitty jobs, I'm just saving up my money so I won't have to work them again. But you're right, we all deserve better.
A former TM made a comment to me once that makes a ton sense.

It MIGHT SUCK at another retailer but DOES SUCK HERE so you have nothing to loose IMHO.
Yep lmao. And honestly I can say from having worked there that walmart is just a different "vibe". Might suck, but at least everyone knows and doesn't care. Less bullshit than target in any case.

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