Archived Sunday Spooktacular

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Did the employees get to dress up at all? They didn't really do a good job advertising it. It was super vague and boring sounding.
Spot had put it on Facebook. Our turnout was not too bad. Everyone had a good time doing with the kids & adults.
Our costumed turnout was low, but we had a ton of kids end up participating. I can't go into detail without outing myself, but I definitely dressed up, and it was a hit.

Overall, it was fun, but it would have been better had there been any real advertisement. Target made one event thing on Facebook, and a few coupon slips printed a few weeks ago, but that's it. There should have been signs and flyers.

I liked it, though. Only sucky part was having to go from working the event to the sales floor for another 4 hours while in costume. I have no shame with stuff like that, but some of the comments were disconcerting....and far too sexual.
I had fun passing out stickers and Cliff bars. The parents were happy and the kids loved it. Not all the kids dressed up but a lot of them did. Every time families were anywhere me I invited them over and explained that we had free trick or treat bags and maps up front. We had a pretty big turn out. Some TMs brought their kids in. I hope this becomes an annual event.
It went well at my store. Myself and other TM's just threw on some assorted Seasonal items and went at it. I'm surprised we had no Code Yellow's throughout that ordeal, honestly. The amount of little kids that ran around unsupervised was astonishing.
I worked the one at the door, occasionally. Was actually our HRTL that was at that one, but she kept going around to refill the other stations and having me man hers while she did so.

We did have a code yellow. But it was actually after the event ended. Was rather awkward due to the recent porn-related incident.

Me: If anyone sees a mother with a baby looking for her 6 year old named <name> she's up at the checklanes.
Me: <name> STL, can you switch to 3?
STL: Switching.
Me: Uhh, you don't have access to the PA system after that whole porn ordeal do you?
STL: What needs to be announced?
Me: We have a six year old up at the checklanes looking for her mother.
STL: Sure, I can announce that.
<30 seconds later>
STL: K, actually I can't, but I'll be right up there.
<few minutes later>
Another TM: Code yellow. We have a mother near electronics looking for her six year old.
STL: I have her, I'll be right there.
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