Archived "SW" Event?

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I remember building an AT-AT behind border line locked doors the day before last year. Probably the most fun thing I have done in my entire career in Signing.
Anyone know if we are getting shirts? I'm still kinda bummed I missed out on getting a shirt at the last SW event.
Tried looking again and see nothing on the computers about anything. I assume it's hidden somewhere within links
Look under transition toys sept 1.

There's no hope for me seeing it lol

Under workbench I've typed in every variation of star wars, transition, sept 1, transition toys, transition toys sept 1... Still nothing but Sept 17th home transition, Halloween and early trim a tree, Star Wars Titanium, etc
I got a box last week that was for street dated Star Wars socks. The label on the side said it was for a Star Wars shop and not to put it out on the floor until September nineth. Maybe it has to do with the sw event the op mentioned?
I got a box last week that was for street dated Star Wars socks. The label on the side said it was for a Star Wars shop and not to put it out on the floor until September nineth. Maybe it has to do with the sw event the op mentioned?
That's does relate to the event. It is supposed to be in 2 waves.
If this is about FF, it was announced in February. The event is probably gonna be similar to the last one but including any new elements from The Last Jedi. There's a few other leaks as far as toys and such on the internet.

I just hope I get a t-shirt
I got to de-trash everything (off stage) for the event before "The Force Awakens". It was so much fun seeing everything, but I actually squealed with excitement when I unboxed "Furbacca"!
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