Talent profile

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Oh, yes. Whether you like the idea or not, the actual implementation is absolute rubbish. Feels like it was programmed by a monkey wearing a blindfold or something. All the little subsections, multiple locations for "save" buttons, non-scaling width so you have to either scroll side to side constantly or increase the monitor resolution so that everything is tiny and hard to read, etc. etc. What a joke.
My SFT had an interesting point.
He seemed to feel that, at least for folks in his job, this was just a way to find out what kind of work they were qualified to do (welding, fridge repair, etc) so they could dump that on them rather then pay an outside contractor.
At one time I would have said he was being paranoid but now ...
My SFT had an interesting point.
He seemed to feel that, at least for folks in his job, this was just a way to find out what kind of work they were qualified to do (welding, fridge repair, etc) so they could dump that on them rather then pay an outside contractor.
At one time I would have said he was being paranoid but now ...

The only way that would work was if enough SFTs had the certifications that they wanted to pay the rest to get it as well. Target will not create a piece-meal approach to which SFTs get to do what type of work. Also, some of the work we do is limited in that we can replace electrical assets but are unable to run new conduit and lines due to national, state and local ordinances, union rules and liability requirements. I have seasoned SFTs in my district who are Master Electricians and Plumbers, but even they are still limited in the scope of work that they are allowed to perform.
So in my district there is a huge push for the talent profile to be 100% completed. And after reviews there were a lot of upset, angry team leaders who stepped down or quit this has occured at a few stores in my district so now theres a ton of vacant TL positions. We are also being pushed to get high potential tm's ready for TL interviews by august. Is this occuring else where too? It seems like there is something big going on?
So in my district there is a huge push for the talent profile to be 100% completed. And after reviews there were a lot of upset, angry team leaders who stepped down or quit this has occured at a few stores in my district so now theres a ton of vacant TL positions. We are also being pushed to get high potential tm's ready for TL interviews by august. Is this occuring else where too? It seems like there is something big going on?

It sounds like they are filling empty TL positions...
No its a bit more complicated then that. It has to do with talent profile

The talent profile push is just because the whole thing was the pet project of someone very high up in the HR pyramid and they spent a lot of money developing it (though you'd never guess it from looking at it). So yeah, they're gonna spend the next year or two (it's supposed to be a three-year phased rollout) acting like it's a super big deal, and then it's gonna vanish completely. Just like every other rollout in recent years that didn't have the slightest thing to do with the actual work we do.
Honestly, I can see the potential in the Talent Profile. It could be a good resource for district level and higher to view their pool of potential candidates from one source. Now the way in which they put it together is terrible, the over emphasis on completing it at the expense of more important matters and the less than hopeful reaction we've all had to it are all working against it. We'll see how it goes.
I wasn't around at Target when this talent profile was out..... but isn't it stupid to have TLs fill this out unless they have a bachelors degree? If the point of this is to possibly promote people, why have people fill it out that wouldn't be eligible to promote to begin with?
Like when I asked our ETL team about photos for the talent profile, and if they need to be target provided or can they be a personal photo, and was met with a response of "you can put pictures on there?". Sigh.

I thought you could put a picture on it because of the little frame dealy bob. The thing is so poorly constructed that I can't find the photo upload button anywhere. Do you remember where it is or how to do it?
Considering im already a TM doing TL tasks, I wouldnt mind them cutting out TLs altogether and paying me more 😉 Likelihood of that happening is pretty slim though
Not to mention the Talent Profile allows the DTL to basically guage where the TL's in his district are at, how many are carrying degrees, how many aren't, the stores that are operating green what kind of TL's do they have? Statistics can be endless, its more than just an online resume, its a census lol
The talent profile push is just because the whole thing was the pet project of someone very high up in the HR pyramid and they spent a lot of money developing it (though you'd never guess it from looking at it). So yeah, they're gonna spend the next year or two (it's supposed to be a three-year phased rollout) acting like it's a super big deal, and then it's gonna vanish completely. Just like every other rollout in recent years that didn't have the slightest thing to do with the actual work we do.
It isn't a "pet Project" its a valuable resource until it gets down to people who don't give a shit like the posters on this site then it becomes worthless because you all don't understand how valuable talent is to retail.
It isn't a "pet Project" its a valuable resource until it gets down to people who don't give a shit like the posters on this site then it becomes worthless because you all don't understand how valuable talent is to retail.
The thread is slightly out of date. Spot has changed since then. You will see the another side of spot after 4th qtr. No hours & limited teams for starters.
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