Archived Target and Church

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As many others have said you were hired with a certain availability and while they could be flexible I don't think it should be an expected given. I couldn't suddenly tell my 9 to 5 job boss I dont want to work Tuesday anymore after he hired me. Other employees days off or on really is of no concern to your availability. Again this is retail Saturday and Sunday are the two biggest days for business. You should have been clear when you were hired that it could be a problem or agreed to a certain shift before you took the job.
If you are also not buddy with stl or hr and etl it will fall on deaf ears for the avaliablety change.
We only have three on payroll: The pastor, the organist/music director & the secretary (non-member).
There's a buildings & grounds group that takes care of cutting grass, doing minor maintenance/repairs, planting flowers, setting up tables, etc for events.
Lots of churches like that. We have a church of about 350 families. We have paid Rector, and part time youth minister. We also pay a person to come in and do the books a few evenings a week, as well as a Director of Music and an organist. Oh, and we have one person called a sexton who takes care of trash, floors, and general cleaning.

I chair the building and grounds committee and I take care of keeping the building in one piece and the grounds looking OK. I'm not paid.
A guy that got hired my first year with Target "suddenly" got super religious and needed Saturdays off and leadership found out that he wasn't going to church or worshiping because he stupidly posted on Facebook the day after they granted him Saturdays off that he was the "smartest motherfucker in the world" and he couldn't believe how stupid they were. Fired the next day.
Ah and here in lies the problem. Yes some work centers rotate weekends and some team members when they are hired are hired with availability that has them not working on Sunday. So what does you HR do to take care of this? Hire people who say they have open availability on the weekends so they can plug the gaps. Now what happens when those people no decide they do not want to work on Sunday? And that is the problem. When you say whatever they want to get a job and then do not live up to that, then you cause a problem. If you are up front and honest, you might not get the job but, at least you know you will not have a problem if you do.

Many people have a hard time understanding this, and until you see it first hand it seems far fetched, but even a business with 100+ employees can get itself cornered into have less than 20 people available due to availability changes.
If it occurs outside the retail blackout period (yeh, they SAY there's no blackout but...) & she's not in a specialized workcenter, it shouldn't be a problem. Likely she's traveling to be with family.
Even if it's within the blackout period, she may have worked out an agreement with leadership to be there during crucial times.
Despite the increase in diverse cultures here, much of the emphasis in retail is still geared toward Christian holidays. Heck, I for one wouldn't have minded covering for folks so they could practice their faith.
When I was still a specialist (later GSA), I had alternating weekends off & my church knew it. There was never any flack given because I wasn't there every week nor was my level of faith questioned.
If you're truly devout & must attend every service, you need to find a job that accommodates you AND you need to tell your employer up front.
oh yea. I find myself laughing at times when I think how the store is closed on Easter and Christmas but I will have to put in for the high holiday season and Passover. 😀
Ah and here in lies the problem. Yes some work centers rotate weekends and some team members when they are hired are hired with availability that has them not working on Sunday. So what does you HR do to take care of this? Hire people who say they have open availability on the weekends so they can plug the gaps. Now what happens when those people now decide they do not want to work on Sunday? And that is the problem. When you say whatever they want to get a job and then do not live up to that, then you cause a problem. If you are up front and honest, you might not get the job but, at least you know you will not have a problem if you do.
When we got a new ETL-GE some time back, the cashiers chatted her up & put their avail changes so they could design their 'dream schedule' under the guise of 'taking classes'.
During her first month, she couldn't understand why coverage was so thin until the ETL-HR went over the number of avail changes GE had approved without looking to see what she'd have left.
oh yea. I find myself laughing at times when I think how the store is closed on Easter and Christmas but I will have to put in for the high holiday season and Passover. 😀
Except Christmas Eve services are super important for me. And there is no chance in hell of getting that off unless it just gets scheduled that way.
ASANTS. We try to arrange for people who attend Christmas Eve services or do the family thing to have the evening off.
I bet Target is opened til midnight on Christmas Eve this year. Black Friday will probably start at 2 or 3pm on Thanksgiving this year. Murica fuck yeah!
And I won't be working it this year 😀

My thoughts & prayers to those who are 🙁
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