Archived Target Cafe Spring Menu

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The carmel popcorn gives me a headache whenever they pop it. The fries on the other hand are a godsend.
McClanes will no longer be a vendor Target uses. We are changing to just C&S. I think that's why that stuff is discontinued. It should be on the new order guide once that is released in a few weeks.

Is that why we have no cheese & no hotdogs?
Anyone got word pretzels, chicken tenders and pizza have been discontinued? I called McClain today and they just told me, was wondering why I wasn't getting any...
I thought McClain was no longer and all deliveries were going to be made by C&S? Unless that's just my area?
They took away my Target Cafe and put in dumbass Freshii. I have zero interest in going near Freshii, the staff is rude from what I can tell (I've never actually had it) it smells foody and not in a good way like cooking vegetables, it's not as inviting as fun Target Cafe was with the simple foods. Fuck Freshii!
Except we can't get anything right now.
Yesterday we ran out of popcorn, pretzels, hotdogs & tenders.
After listening to a guest ask what we DID have, my coworker looked around & said "not much...."
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