Archived Target drops Paula Deen

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my parents used a lot of foul language as well (and i am prone to in times of frustration). I taught my children that they are allowed to say whatever they want, no matter what. my SO flipped out. when they were younger, we talked about being mean to people and how it makes them feel. we also talked about being able to express yourself in an educated manner and how people perceive you based on what you say. so far (knock on wood), they are compassionate and speak well for themselves. they are able to articulate why they are frustrated or how something is impacting them rather than just saying a random string of profanity or calling someone a name because they're upset with the situation.
I'll give my 2c on this... so everyone's dropping her endorsement deals and all that BS because she admitted to using a racial slur *years* ago? ok let me say this.... how many of those on here can honestly say they have *NOT EVER* used a racial slur at SOME point in their lives? If you say you have not, ever, used a racial slur once in your life, you're a bloody LIAR. everyone has. /thread.

/me raises hand.
Guess it depends on how you were raised.
If you were sent out in the cold to shovel a mountain of frozen horse sh!t for using a rather unpleasant slang term for Alaska natives, you tend to learn mighty quick to avoid that kind of language for the rest of your life.

Although, this reply seems to imply that you have used a racial slur in the past, you were just young and never did it again.

but yeah, did Paula Deen screw up? Yes. Is she racist? possibly. Does she deserve to lose her entire livelihood? I'm not too sure. Will she be fine financially? She should be if'n she saved anything at all.

Is racism still alive and well in these United States? Most definitely. Did the Supreme Court just S down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act? yes.
I'll give my 2c on this... so everyone's dropping her endorsement deals and all that BS because she admitted to using a racial slur *years* ago? ok let me say this.... how many of those on here can honestly say they have *NOT EVER* used a racial slur at SOME point in their lives? If you say you have not, ever, used a racial slur once in your life, you're a bloody LIAR. everyone has. /thread.

/me raises hand.
Guess it depends on how you were raised.
If you were sent out in the cold to shovel a mountain of frozen horse sh!t for using a rather unpleasant slang term for Alaska natives, you tend to learn mighty quick to avoid that kind of language for the rest of your life.

Although, this reply seems to imply that you have used a racial slur in the past, you were just young and never did it again.

but yeah, did Paula Deen screw up? Yes. Is she racist? possibly. Does she deserve to lose her entire livelihood? I'm not too sure. Will she be fine financially? She should be if'n she saved anything at all.

Is racism still alive and well in these United States? Most definitely. Did the Supreme Court just S down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act? yes.

Yea, I was nine at the time.
I assumed we were talking about grownups.

But you're right, it is much more important to me that the SCOTUS has destroyed one of the most important voting protections this country has ever had then some old white woman finally got caught out as a racist.
Why do we call people "white" or "black?"
Think about it.....I'm "white" but I sure do not match a white piece of paper. People who are "black" aren't as dark as the night sky. It seems pretty stupid to me that we must use these words to describe someone.

And why do people assume that a "black" person is of African heritage?
Why are "nude" stockings/nylons always shown on a "white" woman?

When I was a kid, it was OK to call "black" people "colored." One day someone asked me....if those people are "colored" then what does that make you? I have struggled with trying to find the best word to describe a person's skin color ever since that time. The best words I find that I am comfortable using is "browned skin" and "cream skin."

Too bad we don't have better terms to use when talking about someone's skin color.

Why should skin color even matter? WE. ARE. ALL. HUMAN.

I say Target should drop most of the rap artists while their at it too....

Finally! Mention of the blaring double standard! Why should they be exempt?
Eh (sober reply, because Sweet Tea vodka influenced the last one).

First, from a media studies perspective:

She should've watched her apology video before she tweeted it... and any good PR person wouldn't have allowed her to put it out in the condition it was in. I took a few PR classes in school, and her people handled this in the worst way.

Second, from my perspective as a black woman:
What she said was foul and offensive. Knowing that it was something that occurred, past tense, a genuine apology probably would have squashed this whole thing. I think companies are making an example out of her, though. Her stuff is actually selling more now than it was before, apparently. Her book pre-orders were doing great (post-scandal) before the company canceled it and her cruise sold out and they added another one. She'll probably make another comeback because people get so upset at other people for being offended by things that they overwhelmingly step out to show their support.

Remember when anti-gay Christians had their national go to Chick-fil-a day? I don't think they called it that lol, but it's the same thing. People were outraged, people in support/agreement overwhelmingly showed support. And some of those people had never even been to a Chick-fil-a prior.,99537/
They are excused for the same reason black comedians can tell Black jokes, my family can tell Jewish jokes, and Paula Deen could tell Redneck jokes.
Sure it's a shame that people are always going to look at the color of peoples skin and judge them but until we intermix to the point that we are all the same color that is always going to be an issue.
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I'm gonna share a little analogy I once read.. (copied and pasted)

"Imagine you’re being beaten with a stick. Your parents were beaten with that stick. Your grandparents were beaten with that stick. They were beaten a lot more than you. These days, the beatings don’t come nearly as often, but they still happen and are still awful.

One day, you snatch the stick. You decide you’re going to use it to scratch your back. The person who’s been beating you (and their family members and friends, who weren’t beating you but did nothing to stop the beatings) asks for the stick back. You say no. They get angry. Why should you get to use the stick when they can’t?

Because we’re ****ing sick of being hit with the stick. We like it better being used to scratch our backs. And you can promise up and down all day that you’ll only use the stick to scratch our backs, but don’t be surprised when we don’t believe you. Especially because you’re probably not the first person to ask us for their stick back, and many of us made the mistake of handing it back the first time."

I've been called the word before (twice), and no matter how many times someone tries to say they're "down" there's just no way of knowing a person's true intentions behind it.

I'm going to put in the effort to not comment in this thread anymore. I like this place better when we're talking about slinky shirts and the different shades of khaki.
Why couldn't he just call them.. lazy!?
I see "having a black friend" is still the default "evidence" that someone isn't racist in 2013.

Not only did Paula Deen use the N-word, but she said she wanted all black servers to represent house slaves. She was romanticizing slavery! There's nothing about slavery that is cute or deserving of romanticizing.

This media frenzy about Paula Deen is so stupid.

I don't agree with this but my father in law uses the N-word as a description of someone of any race he deems lazy. And his best friend is African American.
This is still racism. I'm not sure why you think playing the 'I have a black friend' card makes it less racist. Kinda silly.
As I said, I don't agree with how he uses it. He uses it to describe blacks, hispanics, and whites "who decide not to work, use the system, drink/do drugs, and pop out kids" (in his words).

He is pretty much a traditional southern country mountain man stuck in his ways in a county where its 80-90% caucasian.

Some words just have origins of hate no matter how you use it. And should not be used...even if you are African American.
I'll give my 2c on this... so everyone's dropping her endorsement deals and all that BS because she admitted to using a racial slur *years* ago? ok let me say this.... how many of those on here can honestly say they have *NOT EVER* used a racial slur at SOME point in their lives? If you say you have not, ever, used a racial slur once in your life, you're a bloody LIAR. everyone has. /thread.

edit: i now find out that it was used close to 30 years ago. thats a good number of years more than i've been alive..

It's not just a word she used under duress 30 years ago, its her general attitude. When palnning a wedding reception she wanted it to be a traditional Southern service with (her words) "you know niggers in white shirts running around". In her restaurants, only whites are allowed to be servers. the "darker" the skin, the worse the jobs get.

Listen for someone who puts a pound of butter into every recipe, does this woman sound like the champion of good decision making?
I thought it was interesting seeing all the "apology" videos she posted... Obviously not well planned.
This is a discussion on CNN about the difference on the use of cracker and n-.
It gets pretty graphic but having Lavar Burton describe how he handles a police stop is just disheartening.
Nobody can tell me we live in a colorblind society after that.

This is a discussion on CNN about the difference on the use of cracker and n-.
It gets pretty graphic but having Lavar Burton describe how he handles a police stop is just disheartening.
Nobody can tell me we live in a colorblind society after that.


So true.
I find it stupid. It was said 27 years ago and now everyone is dropping her. I will always love Paula Deen and will stand behind her.
I agree that it's stupid to prosecute someone for something said over 25 yrs ago. I'm not a big fan of Paula Deen but then I'm not a big fan of cooking shoes at all.
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