Archived target employee discount question

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Nov 26, 2013
So, the 10% discount we have, awesome. I really am thankful for it, since Target has EVERYTHING.

As soon as I got hired my boyfriend was excited because combined with his 5% redcard, that's 15% off groceries and what not.

In orientation they didn't tell us any rules about it, just that we had the discount. I understand this is where common sense comes into play, but well, I guess I lack that sometimes.

Long story short, I applied for a target debit card, got denied (still trying to figure out how that happened.) So I figure, when me and my boyfriend go grocery shopping it would be fine for me to use my discount and he pays, at least until I get my redcard.

I never thought this was wrong, since it was my intention to only do this until I got a red card. I've gotten rung up by different cashiers every time and no one said anything until tonight. I told her I had the discount, she scanned, and when she saw I wasn't paying...she said in a very low, suspicious voice "You are not supposed to that, buying stuff for your friends with your discount." I proceeded to tell her that he's my boyfriend and this is stuff I need. She explained she was just giving me a heads up but now I'm scared to use my discount at all in fear that I'll look like someone who's exploiting the discount. 🙁

My boyfriend thinks I should ask my manager what the exact rules on our discount is. I personally want to just stop using it all together until I get my own red card. What do you all suggest?

edit: upon scrolling down, I found countless threads on this topic. Basically "dont do it, if you do, dont get caught" I'm going to stop completely until i get my red card and not going to say anything to my manager.

feel free to leave any advice and or criticism for doing something so dumb.
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It would be fine if your boyfriend counted as your domestic partner (I don't know what the criteria for that is). Otherwise, it's a no-go. I would just hang tight until you get your own Red Card sorted out. Double check with your HR to make sure if you still want to use his card. BUT, it's not worth risking your job over just a few cents saved. Write checks or pay in cash to be safe.

Sorry about the mix up! It's not usual for a debit card application to be denied. I hope you're able to get it sorted out quickly so you get to save that extra few cents.
Yeh, not worth losing the job over.
You should get a letter stating the reason your check card app was rejected. Most often someone has moved & entered a new address from what was on record (or your license) so it may be a matter of confirming your ID & current addy.
When someone is attempting ID theft, they commonly open new accts but route the addys elsewhere.
Call the Red Card number and speak to someone directly. I was declined and when I called I was given the run around about my credit and history until I said I was a TM. Then the person said "Oh, that makes a difference" and instantly approved it.
Because you are using the discount toward items that you will be using, it should be ok. It would be a different story if you got put your discount towards a purchase of your parents or friends with no intention of paying you back. But to CYA, check with your HR. Don't admit you already did it. But just ask if its ok.

By the way, is his card a Credit or Debit Red Card? You can get around the cashier evil eye, just swiping the card yourself.

If you recent moved or started up your checking account could be the reason for the debit card denial. You usually have to establish residency for 6 months or use up to about $1000 before getting approved for the debit Red Card.
If confronted about it there are keywords you can say to make it ok. Grab the employee handbook and it explains what is ok and what is not. As long as you are paying an equal share its ok. Even if he pays for it all just make sure you say that it was an equally shared gift.
Did you try to sign up for the debit card or for the credit card?

I was declined for the CC (even though I'd been working for Spot more than two years I'm sure because I'd declared bankruptcy for medical reasons about ten years ago and never bought anything on credit since) but they let me have the debit card right away.

If you haven't had the account long that may be part of the problem.
I'd do like buliSBI said and swipe the card yourself.
It's not like anybodies going to notice.
Yeah, overtime I use my discount and my boyfriend pays, he adds it to my "tab" I pay him back as soon as I can.

I applied for the debit card and reading these posts I'm pretty sure the reason is because I just moved here a few months ago and I applied for the debit card the day I opened my new bank account. I guess I just have to wait a while. I'll try calling the red card hotline as well though.

Cheers, guys. So glad I found this forum!
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