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please tell me more about your “workers committee” and how it differs from a union
its actually in the article:

"A major point of confusion among workers is what even is a workers committee. Some say it’s a union or an attempt at forming a union, but workers who are for the workers committee have repeatedly emphasized that it isn’t a union nor an attempt to form a union. There is a formal legal process workers must go through, which is mediated by the NLRB, to gain official union recognition, such as 30% of workers on the job must sign union authorization cards, file an election petition to the NLRB, and after a period of investigation by the NLRB to determine if there is enough interest to vote for a union the NLRB will then conduct a union election. This is the only way a union can be introduced on the job, the only exception is the voluntary recognition of a union by the employer [this rarely happens].

Workers who are in favor of the workers committee have never once asked other workers to sign union authorizations cards, nor will they. The workers committee is a different type of worker organization that is based on the right to engage in concerted activity outside of a union. It is comprised of rank and file workers who have solidarity with one another to provide support and protection against corporate and management misconduct. There is no need to hold an election in order to band together and organize for the interests of workers. The committee is born and lives through the collective action of coworkers, whether it’s through strikes against management abuse, the publication of the store newsletter, or sharing resources to support one another in everyday life both inside and outside of the workplace.

The workers committee is different from a formal union in many ways and based on the legitimate criticisms workers have towards unions. There is no third party coming in to add more bureaucracy and take worker’s pay through an automatic dues system. It is a rank and file initiative that’s entirely dependent on the participation of workers themselves and free of dues. It is democratic, it is grassroots, and it is necessary to have in every unorganized workplace in our community."
Puh-lees, anyone who doesnt want to discuss store issues is in no way forced to interact with us, and we respect peoples' choices to not be involved. If we were harassing people why do team members come out of their way to tell us the issues they have with the store totally unprovoked by us? And as the article shows we are the ones who have a basis for charges of harassment. One worker, who was the victim of sexual harassment of the prior manager, was driven to tears and bullied by others for going on strike so much so she quit. Lets talk about that harassment...
and btw we have had flow team members confirm that sort of harassment was actively encouraged by management
Guess we've duped the federal government too, we must be really good at falsifying evidence..
I wonder how many times NRVstrike typed out "union" accidentally and has had to replace it with "workers committee"
He probably just CTRL+F/H replaces it after the fact. Safer that way so he can't miss one and faster to type!
Welp... According to the National Labor Relations Board website there are two cases referring to the Target in Christiansburg, VA. But the status for both cases is listed as "open."

As for NRVstrike... I think your intentions are probably good, but a lot of the things you post come across as... well... exaggerated. One place you say a settlement has been reached, the other you say Target has been found "guilty." Keep it simple, it will come across better.
it seems no matter how many times we say and show the evidence we are not a union and this isnt about forming a union theres always someone not paying attention only to have a knee jerk response and go "its a union"
ANYTHING that isn't employer making the rules and employee following them is a union. You formed a union like the ones in the late 1800s. Don't BS people.

if anyone is having problems at their store please reach out, we can help!
No you can't. Here is why. You are playing a xero sum game with an old corporation that hates unions and solicitation (ever wonder why we have no bell ringers and Wal-mart does?) currently ran by the former Sam's club Ceo.

here are the things that are outside of your control, that are inside of theirs that they can use against the store to shut it down and cancel your jobs.
  1. Stop maintaining the store beyond what is required by state, federal and city law. This is all they are really required to do anyway, but people like to that pride in their buildings.
  2. Stop being concerned about your profit and loss. It doesn't matter how much your store makes any more. Your store is now a problem for the entire company. Since they couldn't legally get rid of you they will wait you out.
  3. No expansions. Suddenly everyone is lost in red tape that can be completely be justified.
  4. No promotions. This is something that happens in companies all the time. Some store are dead zones where those that the corp cant truly fired but want to get rid of sent so they quit.
No they can't fire you for organizing. But they CAN pick you off one by one by strictly interpreting policy. Is that what you wanted? I hope so. However, I doubt that will happen beause that would be obvious.

I believe that what will happen is they will make your store internally as one to be shut down and suddenly all promotions will vanish. 18 months from now. The store will be formally shut down for either renovation (if new) or building maintenence issues if old. No one from your store will be rehireable and no one will be transferred. This way when you complain, they can say that they moved no one so there was no discrimination.

These type of things you only win once. Next time someone tries, they shut it down and fire everyone.

To everyone else: Also, got my confirmation from my friend in West Hollywood, all of the stores leadership team was replaced. We facetimed in the store with a guy who recognized him from one of the guys who always buys the Big brother merch.

There is a reason this board is anonymous. While I feel you probably had a bad situation, you didnt achieve anything other that luck. It wont happen again.

A final example of why it won't. I was fired once and only once. I was working at job where we got tips for serving people. But the place was multilevel and had a huge wall 30 feet up beside the stairwell down. At the second floor landing area you couldn't see into the people pick up area ( an waiting alcove)
A person was angry that I was making more tips than them conspired to get me fired by convincing mgmt that I stole their person. I infact couldnt have seen as my people were always on the second floor and I rarely was on the firth floor.

So when I got fired, I fought it with unemployment. You know who the company sent to defend the employees claim? A regional manager who had never stepped foot into our building. Since In the state I was in at the time, we defended ourselves, I simply asked an obvious question about the wall.
That's all it took for me to win. The fact that I couldnt see for the top of stairs who was down there so I could steal a specific person. That and the cameras placing me upstairs the night in question.

The point is: Details matter. Spot knows far more how its stores run that you and your team do. So it can't take the easy way. So it will hurt now. But they will prevail and it will be a lesson to them how to pay more attention to how to be subtitle.

I feel sorry for you guys, you're like the Hosts on Westworld. You think you are free. No, you aren't. Your six months away from the end. Good luck and God speed.
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Can I get the case# for NRLB decision , please?
10-CA-206094 and while you are at it, can you file the freedom of Information act disclosure form I would love to see the answer to the complaint.

I believe that what will happen is they will make your store internally as one to be shut down and suddenly all promotions will vanish. 18 months from now. The store will be formally shut down for either renovation (if new) or building maintenence issues if old. No one from your store will be rehireable and no one will be transferred. This way when you complain, they can say that they moved no one so there was no discrimination.

These type of things you only win once. Next time someone tries, they shut it down and fire everyone.

To everyone else: Also, got my confirmation from my friend in West Hollywood, all of the stores leadership team was replaced. We facetimed in the store with a guy who recognized him from one of the guys who always buys the Big brother merch.

There is a reason this board is anonymous. While I feel you probably had a bad situation, you didnt achieve anything other that luck. It wont happen again.


This is what I am worried about. Long time team members who have worked for the company and have excelled are worried about this. Believe me if we are closed down, it won’t go well. I love working for Target, especially my store.
This whole thing has been stressful and knowing some of what has gone on, I never believed all the complaints. Just knowing parties involved. I also think the people involved in the NRVStrike are malipative with what they “preach.” A lot of things are blown out of proportion.
I am just dying to know what NRV's bottom line is. I guarantee you, he intends to come out on top financially. How he plans to do that though, is unclear to me. With all the grade school manipulation tactics though, it's impossible to trust this guy. You're not fighting the good fight, if you have to lie and deceive to get people to follow you.
ANYTHING that isn't employer making the rules and employee following them is a union. You formed a union like the ones in the late 1800s. Don't BS people.

No you can't. Here is why. You are playing a xero sum game with an old corporation that hates unions and solicitation (ever wonder why we have no bell ringers and Wal-mart does?) currently ran by the former Sam's club Ceo.

here are the things that are outside of your control, that are inside of theirs that they can use against the store to shut it down and cancel your jobs.
  1. Stop maintaining the store beyond what is required by state, federal and city law. This is all they are really required to do anyway, but people like to that pride in their buildings.
  2. Stop being concerned about your profit and loss. It doesn't matter how much your store makes any more. Your store is now a problem for the entire company. Since they couldn't legally get rid of you they will wait you out.
  3. No expansions. Suddenly everyone is lost in red tape that can be completely be justified.
  4. No promotions. This is something that happens in companies all the time. Some store are dead zones where those that the corp cant truly fired but want to get rid of sent so they quit.
No they can't fire you for organizing. But they CAN pick you off one by one by strictly interpreting policy. Is that what you wanted? I hope so. However, I doubt that will happen beause that would be obvious.

I believe that what will happen is they will make your store internally as one to be shut down and suddenly all promotions will vanish. 18 months from now. The store will be formally shut down for either renovation (if new) or building maintenence issues if old. No one from your store will be rehireable and no one will be transferred. This way when you complain, they can say that they moved no one so there was no discrimination.

These type of things you only win once. Next time someone tries, they shut it down and fire everyone.

To everyone else: Also, got my confirmation from my friend in West Hollywood, all of the stores leadership team was replaced. We facetimed in the store with a guy who recognized him from one of the guys who always buys the Big brother merch.

There is a reason this board is anonymous. While I feel you probably had a bad situation, you didnt achieve anything other that luck. It wont happen again.

A final example of why it won't. I was fired once and only once. I was working at job where we got tips for serving people. But the place was multilevel and had a huge wall 30 feet up beside the stairwell down. At the second floor landing area you couldn't see into the people pick up area ( an waiting alcove)
A person was angry that I was making more tips than them conspired to get me fired by convincing mgmt that I stole their person. I infact couldnt have seen as my people were always on the second floor and I rarely was on the firth floor.

So when I got fired, I fought it with unemployment. You know who the company sent to defend the employees claim? A regional manager who had never stepped foot into our building. Since In the state I was in at the time, we defended ourselves, I simply asked an obvious question about the wall.
That's all it took for me to win. The fact that I couldnt see for the top of stairs who was down there so I could steal a specific person. That and the cameras placing me upstairs the night in question.

The point is: Details matter. Spot knows far more how its stores run that you and your team do. So it can't take the easy way. So it will hurt now. But they will prevail and it will be a lesson to them how to pay more attention to how to be subtitle.

I feel sorry for you guys, you're like the Hosts on Westworld. You think you are free. No, you aren't. Your six months away from the end. Good luck and God speed.

Thing is we are not isolated to our store, we have team members across the country working with us at this point, so they can go ahead and try to close us down but the corp isnt going to be able to shut down every store that has Target team members working with us across the country...
Thing is we are not isolated to our store, we have team members across the country working with us at this point, so they can go ahead and try to close us down but the corp isnt going to be able to shut down every store that has Target team members working with us across the country...

*knows a guy living in a different state*

Exactly. NRVStrike is very hypocritical. He claims that he cares about the rights and fairness of his coworkers, yet he has put us on the radar of being a trouble store. How fair is it when a 100 people are out of a job?

It’s funny. He claims he’s not for unions. That’s been the most said word at our store for months because of him.

He claims he wants to help everyone. Does he mention the fact that whenever ANYONE (Target employee or not) tries to have a civil conversation and/or back it up with facts and reasoning, he shuts it down? It’s amazing how many people he and the other OUTSIDERS at NRVStrike (Yes, just about everyone who does support him has never worked for Target) have blocked on social media for defending ourselves/our point of view. He held a town hall. Many of our coworkers went. He tried to get them thrown out before meeting even began.

We’re mad. We love our store. We love our jobs. It’s stressful at times, sure. But we dont want to be shut down because of one ignorant person who claims to speak for the entirety of our location.

Actually we've been more than willing to have real dialogue with any coworker who wants to do so, but what you may consider "dialogue" has really been yall hostile folks yelling at us and making it a hostile work environment for us, there's no "rational" discussion being had because yall have already be primed by management as is to what to believe we are about without actually talking to us. We stood outside everyday, sun up to sun down during the strike to reach out and talk to coworkers, but coworkers were too scared to be seen talking to us, people would walk by and point to the cameras as to why they wouldnt talk to us. I dont understand how folks can consider their position rational when yall have actively silenced and dismissed the accounts of abuse your coworkers [who you supposedly consider "family"} have suffered at the hands of the prior manager. And we are all community members, not "outsiders", how many target workers can really say that? How many are not temporary residents hopping into our community just to go to college and leave after four years? We were born and raised in this community, have friends and family buried in this community, so who are the real outsiders? And the folks who came to the labor rights event came with the intent to disrupt, we stayed over two hours to talk about general labor rights and how management has been violating them [as the original post proves] only to have at least two of yall storm out in a fit because some people dont understand what it actually takes to form a union and why what we are doing isnt a union. You should be upset at the corp for being against workers exercising their rights to the point they would threaten a store closure rather than LOCAL workers exercising their rights.
1) you organizing the strike that saw two-three coworkers participating on some of our busiest days last year, turning guests away and then celebrating the fact we missed sales, is not doing any good for us. People don’t want to work with you when you were hoping we failed to make sales. It only hurts us, not management.

2) Okay, so many workers arent from the area originally, some are here for school, some have stayed here years after GRADUATING from school, but sure. That means we have no idea what’s going on in our community. Got it. And I’m sure we are the ONLY LOCATION in the country whose primary pool of applicants come from college kids. Let alone the only business/company who has turnover after kids graduate. Got me there!

3) Now you’re just lying. It’s sad. I know people from all workcenters who tried to discuss with you, in person and online, and you shut them down everytime. On Facebook, you blocked them or deleted their comments.

4) I never said we dismissed what did/did not happen with the previous STL. But unlike you, we’ve MOVED ON. We’re trying to work. Just when we think this is behind us, you bring it all back up. And unlike you, I dont claim to speak for everyone at our store. But I can say for sure a biiiiig majority do not like your continued effort to not move on.

The point of the community boycott was to show Target Corp our community doesnt accept sexual harassment and worker abuse here in the NRV. This is a classic tactic that has been used by many communities taking action to get justice for decades. The point isn't to cause the store to close up in the area, but to send a strong message [which corps dont listen to unless you hit them in the pocketbook] to the corp to take our community demands seriously.

Your second point is just an admission that the charges we are "outsiders" is bogus, all the more ironic considering so many Target coworkers are not actually from our community [not that we are xenophobes, but it was your folks trying to portray us as "outsiders"].

I don't know which coworkers you are referring to but any coworker I have met with in person to talk about the issue I have listened to without shutting down once. Again, it hasnt been a dialogue because hostile workers have been literally shouting and yelling in our faces as we just stood there and took it without giving it back. There are several witnesses who can testify to this. If you want names, dates, and locations please come talk to us in person and we will gladly go over all that with you. Again, theres a huge amount of irony in all this, because not only did we have one hostile worker first come to us and say that "they disagree with what we have done but think there can be respectful engagement over the issue" only to come back and yell at us, and apparently they must have recognized they couldn't live up to their own word because they eventually emailed us an apology over it. Comments deleted on facebook were a result of threats to disrupt our labor rights meeting - which those same coworkers who made those threats actually followed through with by coming to the labor rights event to try to disrupt. We don't have to tolerate that kind of behavior and flies in the face of any claims of rationality or civil discourse. And you know what? Despite their attempts at disruption, those same workers stayed over two hours with us as we listened to them vent while also hearing us out about what even is a workers committee, and do you know what we found out? We found that these coworkers have already acted as a workers committee by collectively issuing grievances to management, as well as admitting that they bucked management's demand that no workers should be talking about the strike or workplace conditions while on the clock [ one of the labor rights violations we proved ]. Ultimately we know the hostility to our efforts is rooted in fear, which Target Corp is promoting by threatening our livelihoods just for exercising our rights. That's the saddest thing of all.
also there are three cases settled between Target workers at our store and Target Corp, not just the one that has been posted above:


Status = Open. Last activity was an amended charge letter in Dec 2017.

Status = Open. Last activity was an answer to the complaint in Jan 2018

Status = Open. Last activity was filing the charge in Dec 2017.
To everyone else: Also, got my confirmation from my friend in West Hollywood, all of the stores leadership team was replaced. We facetimed in the store with a guy who recognized him from one of the guys who always buys the Big brother merch.


To NRVStrike, I'd recommend taking the W that you earned against Corporate by having your horrible STL removed and stop rocking the boat. Otherwise, like Flow Warrior said, your store might be getting a very lengthy renovation. It's in Target's best interest to nip this in the bud as soon as possible, and you best believe that's what they'll do. You wouldn't even be the first store they've done this to. Workers' Committee, Union, or whatever you want to call it, it's a threat to the business and Target will crush you with its corporate weight.

Status = Open. Last activity was an amended charge letter in Dec 2017.

Status = Open. Last activity was an answer to the complaint in Jan 2018

Status = Open. Last activity was filing the charge in Dec 2017.

Considering this, what the hell is NRV referring to in this thread? WHERE and how is Target found guilty?
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