Archived Target giving

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Same! For years I volunteered with the Boy Scouts and my HR wanted those hours as well for credit. UMMM, yeah NO! Get off my coat tail! Why don't you go volunteer somewhere instead so you can truly submit the hours the honest way.🙄

At least my husbands employer matches money donated and if its in hours they donate what he makes per hour as the match. I wouldn't mind if they even did half of what I make per hour but for the store to take credit and give nothing, yeah fuck no.
Sad just go to your local organization and hand them money or write a check and mail it
That’s what I’m going to do this year. I’m not letting Target take credit for the $ I donate, especially since everyone I know is going to be making less.
I got pissy when HR found out and hounded me for what hours I spent with the dog rescue I work with cause they wanted to submit those hours for credit umm no..
Same, I volunteer at my daughter’s school, but I’m donating MY time, not Target’s.
United Way isn't even a very good way to donate. Better to deal with the charities directly. Partially because why pay United Way's administrative costs so the amount given to the charity is smaller than direct donation, partially because of how United Way divides the money it receives.
Time to be harassed to "donate" so T can brag about the teams participation. More and more of their very own team is utilizing the programs United Way funds. I hate how they say its voluntary but they strong arm you to do it. Lastly I always found it interesting for a company with a no solicitation policy open wide for the United Way
I dropped UW when they dropped several groups I supported.
When I donated on my own, my ETL-HR asked me for documentation; she wanted to put it down so the store could take credit for MY donations. Yeh, no.
Due to hour cuts I can't really donate now so we volunteer on-site.
If target wanted me to give they wouldn’t have wiped out all my 6 years of merit increases with the big bump to 13 per hour. Now I’m making the same as someone starting today.

Sorry I cannot affordably give at this time.
😍😍😍 You said it!! I feel ya! I just can't afford to give. Especially my shitty raise. They give CCAs to use that against giving the raise deserved to basically use me as a slave and constantly say negative things to me, blame me when their visits go bad, like I'm the only one that works there when they are the ones that don't communicate and giving me a shitty raise and constantly harrassing me I feel like what the fuck! I aint donating for shit when Target doesn't give a fuck to donate food or at least sell it dirt cheap when their FDCs are overstocked with food they keep dumping on us with every order then i get the talk to order truck to shelf. Then the manager is the king of harrassment. So why the fuck should I donate when fucking Target needs to donate to my paychecks! I can donate on my own time by writing a check to specific organizations/charities of my choice! Target needs to stay the fuck out of my business! How about pieing the manager in the face!
The United Way fund-raising drive is an embarrassing subject for many store TMs, who actually use United Way services such as foodbanks plus Medicaid and foodstamps in order to survive.
Hey 2020 Bernie Sanders! Check out the comment! How about requesting Target to pay living wage so we don't have to get foodstamps to survive. Not just Walmart workers. Target workers are treated far worse!!
Giving only to myself

i was just nagged to donate to united way. um i just got 30 cent raise this year. i can barely pay for my own bills. why dont these corporations take care of this instead? They had to ask us below management for some handouts
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