Archived target hires sex offenders????

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Some of the responses are unbelievable. NO ONE should be bothering you at work. No touching, no nothing. It is UNWANTED. Literally you owe no explanation. If you’re uncomfortable then you’re entitled to feel that way. Next time he tries something just be like “hey I’m here to work and that’s it. Id like you to leave me alone” and if it happens again- tell HR. You could say he’s distracting you from work or something. Don’t even have to bring up the other stuff. If you have good HR then they’ll do something about it. If not, tell them everything. Use the google information with discretion, but the most important part is how he’s acting at work.
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Those suggesting autism-he could be.BUT unless his mind is that of a child, he knows better. I'm autistic, as I stated incessantly and frequently, and it's a spectrum but the odds of hiring a unsupervised adult autistic that still does these behaviours is odd. I read it and even I would draw the line. Close contact,maybe depending on how long I know them. But if he's asking everyone out, touching hands/back,etc. That's not autism, that's a lack of boubdries. I'd speak with him about it and maybe alert hr without the Google info to at least have it on record. I know many autistics and hos behaviour may be but as a general thing most people including us learn person Al space.
No matter what or why, the OP shouldn't jump straight to HR. It sounds a little silly - "No HR, I didn't give any indication to him that I didn't like his actions, didn't say a word, let it continue for a while as if I weren't bothered, but I'm reporting a hostile work environment."

Direct talk first. HR if direct talk fails. But say no firmly first before escalation.
I'd go to HR if he really bothers you all that much. You shouldn't feel uncomfortable at the work place
No matter what or why, the OP shouldn't jump straight to HR. It sounds a little silly - "No HR, I didn't give any indication to him that I didn't like his actions, didn't say a word, let it continue for a while as if I weren't bothered, but I'm reporting a hostile work environment."

Direct talk first. HR if direct talk fails. But say no firmly first before escalation.
Tell him directly and then tell HR. Don’t wait for him to do it again, that’s only giving him permission to touch again before telling HR.
No it doesn't give permission. If the words are no, then there's no permission.

But there are people out there that assume wrong about reciprocal interest and when corrected back off and accept the rejection. There's no need to go to HR about that type of person.

So people should use their words. Going straight to HR should be when direct talk definitely won't work, such as if there's threats. Uncomfortable, good chance a person can resolve it on their own.
I’m not going to go in circles with you because that’s all we ever do, and quite frankly I’m done with this dance. Telling HR right away sets up a trail of behavior and reaction. It doesn’t give a chance to become a “I told him before I didn’t like it!”

AP is there to keep everyone safe, telling them would also be a brilliant idea, HR will partner with them about it anyways. HR is there to keep the business safe, and wouldn’t keeping sexual intimidation or harassment case from developing be in the best interest of the business?

You can feel completely free to agree to disagree on this. I promise you won’t hurt my feelings at all.
I don't understand what is so wrong with those words. Why is it a problem to say "Stop it."?
Well I realize it can be scary/embarrassing for women to experience this, but if it happened to me I would say “Stop touching my body” in a loud voice. The guy would be so embarrassed, that he probably wouldn’t ever bother you again, and a lot of other people may eavesdrop and realize what he’s like.
Learn how to do a throat push. Works every time, don't have to say a word.
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