Archived Target-induced Depression

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Don't ever apologize for expressing how you feel about that place. You are amongst friends. I don't blame you for how you feel. When it comes to leadership, most stores are all about having a degree, even for a TL position. It's a real shame. 🙄

Lol I actually do have a degree! The new hire, nope! I can only assume they are banging the STL or something.
Sort of suffering from this myself right now. I was on an FMLA leave of absence for a month due to a lengthy hospitalization of child. When I returned, my hours were cut dramatically. When I asked when they would pick up, I was told that this is what they will be. I reminded them that I am crosstrained in many areas and would gladly pick up hours in any of those areas or crosstrain in other areas I could be needed. I have not been given any more hours unless I pick up some from the swap shifts - most are during times I'm already scheduled, though. I am now at the point where I will lose my insurance. I have worked for this company for almost 16 years. I'm pretty sure that keeping my average hours at 29.5 as opposed to the previously scheduled 33-40 is no mistake, although they deny it. I know it's not my performance - I got one of the few outstanding reviews in my store this year. I found it interesting that attendance was cited, even though all absences were FMLA. I reminded them that this was not legal and that while I was not affected in my review, other TMs that use FMLA might not be quite as "forgiving". (Conversation was very calm and just a BTW sort of casual.) TMs that have not been trained in my department are given more hours than I am even though those hours are during my availability. I opened my availability, knowing that it would require me to hire additional help at home because having insurance is primary. Still no additional hours. I just don't even know what to do anymore. Ask me one more time how things are going, Oh-great-STL. Target induced depression? I think yes.
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Sort of suffering from this myself right now. I was on an FMLA leave of absence for a month due to a lengthy hospitalization of child. When I returned, my hours were cut dramatically. When I asked when they would pick up, I was told that this is what they will be. I reminded them that I am crosstrained in many areas and would gladly pick up hours in any of those areas or crosstrain in other areas I could be needed. I have not been given any more hours unless I pick up some from the swap shifts - most are during times I'm already scheduled, though. I am now at the point where I will lose my insurance. I have worked for this company for almost 16 years. I'm pretty sure that keeping my average hours at 29.5 as opposed to the previously scheduled 33-40 is no mistake, although they deny it. I know it's not my performance - I got one of the few outstanding reviews in my store this year. I found it interesting that attendance was cited, even though all absences were FMLA. I reminded them that this was not legal and that while I was not affected in my review, other TMs that use FMLA might not be quite as "forgiving". (Conversation was very calm and just a BTW sort of casual.) TMs that have not been trained in my department are given more hours than I am even though those hours are during my availability. I opened my availability, knowing that it would require me to hire additional help at home because having insurance is primary. Still no additional hours. I just don't even know what to do anymore. Ask me one more time how things are going, Oh-great-STL. Target induced depression? I think yes.

This sounds like something you should first try calling the hotline with if you can't get results from the STL because corporate wouldn't want something like this going to the papers.
First of all pregnancy discrimination is illegal and so is cutting peoples insurance by lowering their hours on purpose.
And if you don't get results from the main office, some calls to the local papers and letters to the editor are in order.
Sort of suffering from this myself right now. I was on an FMLA leave of absence for a month due to a lengthy hospitalization of child. When I returned, my hours were cut dramatically. When I asked when they would pick up, I was told that this is what they will be. I reminded them that I am crosstrained in many areas and would gladly pick up hours in any of those areas or crosstrain in other areas I could be needed. I have not been given any more hours unless I pick up some from the swap shifts - most are during times I'm already scheduled, though. I am now at the point where I will lose my insurance. I have worked for this company for almost 16 years. I'm pretty sure that keeping my average hours at 29.5 as opposed to the previously scheduled 33-40 is no mistake, although they deny it. I know it's not my performance - I got one of the few outstanding reviews in my store this year. I found it interesting that attendance was cited, even though all absences were FMLA. I reminded them that this was not legal and that while I was not affected in my review, other TMs that use FMLA might not be quite as "forgiving". (Conversation was very calm and just a BTW sort of casual.) TMs that have not been trained in my department are given more hours than I am even though those hours are during my availability. I opened my availability, knowing that it would require me to hire additional help at home because having insurance is primary. Still no additional hours. I just don't even know what to do anymore. Ask me one more time how things are going, Oh-great-STL. Target induced depression? I think yes.
You can always try filing for unemployment, to help supplement the hours. I have seen tm's do this is in the past.
This sounds like something you should first try calling the hotline with if you can't get results from the STL because corporate wouldn't want something like this going to the papers.
First of all pregnancy discrimination is illegal and so is cutting peoples insurance by lowering their hours on purpose.
And if you don't get results from the main office, some calls to the local papers and letters to the editor are in order.
It was not a pregnancy. My son was very, very sick and in the hospital for over a month. He is nonverbal, has several rare disorders and is cognitively impaired. It was imperative that I remain with him at the hospital throughout his stay. Is lowering hours illegal? I couldn't find that anywhere.
It was not a pregnancy. My son was very, very sick and in the hospital for over a month. He is nonverbal, has several rare disorders and is cognitively impaired. It was imperative that I remain with him at the hospital throughout his stay. Is lowering hours illegal? I couldn't find that anywhere.

Sorry misread your post, gotta quit trying to do that on the bus first thing in the morning without coffee.
But yes, it is illegal.
Only problem is proving it.
Target being the weasels they are probably has ways of making sure the store covers their ass but it would hurt to put the pressure on.
My only worry would be them finding some other way to make your life miserable.
Sorry misread your post, gotta quit trying to do that on the bus first thing in the morning without coffee.
But yes, it is illegal.
Only problem is proving it.
Target being the weasels they are probably has ways of making sure the store covers their ass but it would hurt to put the pressure on.
My only worry would be them finding some other way to make your life miserable.
You left your home without coffee??!!?? You're either very brave, very stupid, or very late. . . and we know it isn't stupid! 🙂 I think I'll make a little call to Hewitt and just casually ask how it's "supposed to work". They're the ones who told me to stop caring whether or not my intermittent leave hours were going to be covered when I called to ask whether those time off requests could be denied (consistently) or if I had to get someone to do a swap shift (no). I was shocked by this, but have not gotten any more flak from management since I started to just call in to the store and report my time to Hewitt. I sometimes feel like this is all "shady", but it's life with a medically fragile kid. Previous management was amazingly supportive, this group - not so much.
Rarejem, I'm so sorry about your son.
It's hard enough caring for a hospitalized child but even more dire when your kiddo can't tell you what's going on or how they feel.
Hope you get the answers you need.
Thoughts & prayers.
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I've been asking myself if I'm depressed or not for a little while now. Sometimes I can dig in and feel better for a while, but the sinking feeling of being stuck at this job really crushes me. I debate because I mean, can a job really cause you to be depressed? I figure it's more than one thing right? Anyways, as sad as it makes me to hear that multiple people are feeling the same way it is nice to know I'm not alone. I've told myself I'll put in two weeks before I do black- Thursday 2016. I won't be stuck in the hell whole for forever. Something has to change.
Your job doesn't make you depressed. I'd say on most cases, a shitty boss causes you to hate going to work, which in turn causes you to be depressed.

The only way I survived through 12 years before finally finding a better opportunity was one;

The absolute certainty that eventually, I'd find the right opportunity for me.

And two; as Sheryl Crow put it. It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.

Don't ever let them make you think you're worth less than you are, thats where it really starts going downhill.
I have been with Spot for over 18 years and suffer with anxiety and depression.Like @Hardlinesmaster said at one point this was a GREAT company to work for....there was never a day that went by that you didn't feel appreciated . Now , the Company has changed and its not like it use to its very rare that I leave work at the end of the day feeling appreciated. When, the company started going down hill...I honestly thought ok it will go back to the way it I kept hanging on year after year waiting. However, now I realize that the old Spot is dead and gone and will never return. So, that put the ball in my court. I cant control what HQ does...but I can control what I do.. Personally, I know the way out of Spot is to return back to college and finish my degree....and run as far from Spot as I can. To the OP, take Spot has a learning curve, focus on your education and move on. Don't wait for Spot to change...cause it wont.
I have been with Spot for over 18 years and suffer with anxiety and depression.Like @Hardlinesmaster said at one point this was a GREAT company to work for....there was never a day that went by that you didn't feel appreciated . Now , the Company has changed and its not like it use to its very rare that I leave work at the end of the day feeling appreciated. When, the company started going down hill...I honestly thought ok it will go back to the way it I kept hanging on year after year waiting. However, now I realize that the old Spot is dead and gone and will never return. So, that put the ball in my court. I cant control what HQ does...but I can control what I do.. Personally, I know the way out of Spot is to return back to college and finish my degree....and run as far from Spot as I can. To the OP, take Spot has a learning curve, focus on your education and move on. Don't wait for Spot to change...cause it wont.
This is so true. It used to be a great company. I used to enjoy being there, until about 2 years ago.
Trust me, we know all to well.

Second that. Our store has become a sinking ship. A pity, because it use to be run pretty smoothly. Many team members have jumped ship the past year and management is a joke. It's sad when TMs are teaching TLs how to do some pretty basic things everyday. Our ETL HR and CTL are the only competent ones of the group. There's more drama in this place than a Degrassi marathon. People are getting fired for NCNS (technically they quit w/o notice) left and right. I could go on and on.

But there's a handful of us TMs that show up everyday, do our job well (when we aren't pulled away) and know more than than the rest of the store combined. And deep down management knows it too, so there's not much fear or depression, just disgust. And now they know better than to ask me why something didn't get done because I always have a "quit pulling me away" speach ready to fire.
Second that. Our store has become a sinking ship. A pity, because it use to be run pretty smoothly. Many team members have jumped ship the past year and management is a joke. It's sad when TMs are teaching TLs how to do some pretty basic things everyday. Our ETL HR and CTL are the only competent ones of the group. There's more drama in this place than a Degrassi marathon. People are getting fired for NCNS (technically they quit w/o notice) left and right. I could go on and on.

But there's a handful of us TMs that show up everyday, do our job well (when we aren't pulled away) and know more than than the rest of the store combined. And deep down management knows it too, so there's not much fear or depression, just disgust. And now they know better than to ask me why something didn't get done because I always have a "quit pulling me away" speach ready to fire.
This is the only thing that keeps me going some days. As much as they want to try "coaching" me again I've thrown them to the vultures every time in the past year they've tried. Its worth having it on record when the third "impartial" person ends up on my side giving the other TL shit. At this point I bust my ass, I get shit done and I know what I'm doing in 90% of the positions on the salesfloor and backroom. Unless I spend a couple days to a week slacking they won't mess with me unless the DTL told them to. Cause yeah, I've taught my TLs and newbie ETL more than they deserve-mostly cause you can only watch them fall flat on their faces so much before moving from funny to depressing.
Second that. Our store has become a sinking ship. A pity, because it use to be run pretty smoothly. Many team members have jumped ship the past year and management is a joke. It's sad when TMs are teaching TLs how to do some pretty basic things everyday. Our ETL HR and CTL are the only competent ones of the group. There's more drama in this place than a Degrassi marathon. People are getting fired for NCNS (technically they quit w/o notice) left and right. I could go on and on.

But there's a handful of us TMs that show up everyday, do our job well (when we aren't pulled away) and know more than than the rest of the store combined. And deep down management knows it too, so there's not much fear or depression, just disgust. And now they know better than to ask me why something didn't get done because I always have a "quit pulling me away" speach ready to fire.
This was my store a year ago. We're in a much better place now. New leadership coming in really helped.
Second that. Our store has become a sinking ship. A pity, because it use to be run pretty smoothly. Many team members have jumped ship the past year and management is a joke. It's sad when TMs are teaching TLs how to do some pretty basic things everyday. Our ETL HR and CTL are the only competent ones of the group. There's more drama in this place than a Degrassi marathon. People are getting fired for NCNS (technically they quit w/o notice) left and right. I could go on and on.

But there's a handful of us TMs that show up everyday, do our job well (when we aren't pulled away) and know more than than the rest of the store combined. And deep down management knows it too, so there's not much fear or depression, just disgust. And now they know better than to ask me why something didn't get done because I always have a "quit pulling me away" speach ready to fire.

Do we work at the same store? This is my store to a T! (minus the depression part?) It's not just my store, hallelujah!
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