Archived Target Love triangles?

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no no and no target loves squares, they hire them all the time for managment positions. If you don't know what that means, then sorry, No squares in the loop!!!
I'm kinda dodecahedron so I guess that's why I don't fit into the squares or the triangles.

When I worked as a meatcutter the freezers got a pretty heavy workout by some of the younger members of the crew.
I always made sure I made some noise before going in.
I'm kinda dodecahedron so I guess that's why I don't fit into the squares or the triangles.

When I worked as a meatcutter the freezers got a pretty heavy workout by some of the younger members of the crew.
I always made sure I made some noise before going in.

I've never understood freezer sex. WOuld that not cause shrinkage?
I've never understood freezer sex. WOuld that not cause shrinkage?

If done right, things should warm up considerably.
If done wrong, the possibilities are endless (including unintentional adhesion). Them ain't always screams of passion, ya know...
At my old store, it was always rumored that our ETL-HR and our STL (both married) were having a thing, but no one could ever prove it. Interestingly, they both found other jobs around the same time.
This was the same STL who liked to hire his teenage baby-sitters and all their friends, who would shamelessly flirt with him while on the clock (the STL was in his forties).
Hey, you never know.

Target drives some of it's team members to at least drink.
It would add to the fast and fun if not to the friendly.
please give us more stress!!!! make us more global? is that really possible? I am amazed that more of us don't drink heavily!!
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