It's um, Interesting? what Some have come up with...


"Free hernia exam for every qualifying $100 purchase using the Target Red Card"

TM: I can't make it in to my shift today.
ETL: You know that will count against you on your Review.
TM: But I am in the hospital.
ETL: You know that your responsible for your shifts.
TM: But a drunk driver hit me and my car is totaled.
ETL: Not my problem. Do you still want to call in?
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People come in buying 2-3 copies at a time 🙂 Very good placement and right next to the ATM (Just in case) 😀 and It's almost empty too and it's only been a few days. Epic game though too

Gamers have told me when I ring them up that it's very epic convenient
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No worries AP guy is very watchful and they're in cases 😱

only like 3-4 copies left they'll be gone tomorrow probably

Loool they sold fast but I'd imagine the rest is in Electronics in the dark crevices of the locked game containers <.< awaiting the key of life to be played again
Dr Laytex you are a frelling genius.
If we were giving prizes for finest meme I would have to hand it to you.
Beautiful man, just beautiful.
Too lazy to do the meme maker so I'll just link the base image directly with a caption:


"We're sorry, you need more experience to be a TL"
Hires ETL straight out of college with an art degree and no work experience.
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