I'll second that. Softlines is a black pit that I can never find anything in. Maybe if I transferred over there I'd get it, but for now I just avoid everything except running the fitting room.
Reshop is a nightmare in softlines.
I'll second that. Softlines is a black pit that I can never find anything in. Maybe if I transferred over there I'd get it, but for now I just avoid everything except running the fitting room.
Yeah but you can sit down for some of it, like when you're folding a bunch of stuff or answering a phone call.Reshop is a nightmare in softlines.
I found out my former GSTL actually did this.
It makes doing the morning audit a nightmare. Especially in HBA.
I'd love it if I could pull FAs all day. For some reason I really enjoy it!I can usually find stuff for my FA. I like the challenge.
Okay, not Target but I was in HomeGoods earlier and I had to take a picture of what someone did.
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I'd love it if I could pull FAs all day. For some reason I really enjoy it!I can usually find stuff for my FA. I like the challenge.
Anybody remember the year we had the tissue boxes for BTS with letters on them?
I swear we had to fix them every day because people would turn them into assorted swear words etc.
The most creative/interesting one said Jesus Licks.
I'm pretty sure about half of them were done by TMs.