
(via reddit | how sad, i wanted 2.0 since i found out it existed, and now all i hear is that it's shite)

My favorite thing about 2.0 is how I can be looking at the screen without even touching it and suddenly it will switch what I'm doing and pop-up with a "Mispick" screen. Uh what? Happens a couple of times a day. It just randomly switches to a different app.
I understand why the wanted to split the app up into separate 'subapps'. It's so that the respective teams can own their portion of the app.
Ex: The Grocery team can own myWork-Order
Presentation owns myWork-Tie
Move owns myWork-TakeSubt
so on and so forth.
They have failed to understand just how annoying the switching back and forth is. And since I would think that GateKeeper still requires a re-login after 15 minutes, I would imagine if you don't go to backstock/take something for 20 minutes into your shift, oops, gotta login again.

Please give as much feedback as you can using either the built-in feedback button, or the email address in the myWork2 Pilot Page on Workbench. Nothing will change if your concerns aren't voiced.

Will do. It's the random switching that does me in. Suddenly it will want me to login again even though I just scannned something because the app randomly decides I'm trying to do something not in my workcenter . So, I have to exit the app and then it will go back to normal. It's just buggy as hell.
The Mispick screen pops up if you scan the DC barcode by accident. Or at least, that's the only time I've ever seen it happen.

It's weird that the issues with MW2.0 that have been reported here by many posters don't seem to be happening on my end. Hopefully it stays that way.
But that’s also because search brings up anything even remotely related to it, especially with seasonal stuff and electronics stuff. Like, you try to search for a specific iPad but it pulls up everything Apple related including accessories and you can’t filter the search more than by category (which department it falls under). Super frustrating for both the team and the guests trying to find things.
How hard would it be to populate the list by:
  1. items with aisle locations
  2. Items that may be only in the backroom
  3. tems only available at nearby Target's
  4. on-line only items
  5. Everything else in the damn universe
I really don't need to see hundreds of discontinued items first.

Also see: shit piled up in the backroom so we have a dozen of those book cases but no one can actually get near them. "Sorry we are out of that item, I will correct it in the system, sorry about that. Can I order it for you from our sister store they say they have 16 of those book cases. If they fill the order you go up and get it, they cancel their system is incorrect as well but you don't waste a trip."

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