Archived Target Mobile taking over Electronics?

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We have 3 Target Mobile TM's, but one of them is the equivalent of a TL or similar, and he works more than the other two combined, and apparently makes way more than our TL's after the commission because he leads our district for commission sales.

Claimed to have made about $3,000 for the two week period that included BF.

Sounds about right. BF week alone was around two grand at busy stores.
I was told by a Mobile manager that if the contract goes as planned, market source will handle all staffing any payment of Electronics Team members. They will be Target employees, but will be paid by market source. Their hours wont count towards the stores labor. They will have 3-5 people working in store every day depending on volume. The starting pay is 12.00 + commission. Anyone listed as a Target Electronics Team Member will be given an invitation to transfer over to the new Target Electronics run by target mobile.
I was told by a Mobile manager that if the contract goes as planned, market source will handle all staffing any payment of Electronics Team members. They will be Target employees, but will be paid by market source. Their hours wont count towards the stores labor. They will have 3-5 people working in store every day depending on volume. The starting pay is 12.00 + commission. Anyone listed as a Target Electronics Team Member will be given an invitation to transfer over to the new Target Electronics run by target mobile.
Will this include entertainment or do you know if Hardlines will just inherit that?
Would suck for them not to take entertainment which always needs to be zoned especially children's books.

Please tell this to my store. My store, electronics and photo are responsible for MMB but wait, we can never actually do anything there. Why? Because every single LOD hammers us with Hardlines zones, CAF after CAF after stray after stray for anything on that side of the store and MMB never gets zoned. I had an hour left on my shift, half of Stationery to do and the new TL brings me a full cart of stationery strays and said "you need to get this and your zone done tonight" and I tried very hard not to laugh in his face, because giving me 2 hours to do all of stationery is one thing, but 2 hours to do all of stationery and 2 full stray carts (did I mention he brought me a full one before I even started my zone?) is just completely ridiculous.
This isn't something in testing, this is something that's beyond testing and being implemented in new stores and going extremely well. The current transition isn't even going to compare to electronics innovation stores...

I went to planorama for a store with one, and my BF was offered to apply but turned down because it was an hour commute. Target mobile has electronics only. There are few short gondolas, but mostly kind of like best buy/Apple hybrid, with tables that you can test out products. It's staffed by target mobile and I believe 1 electronics tm, (aka hours to push cafsbecause you know that's all anyone's cares about) . It's salary + commission.

Entertainment isn't included and I'm actually not too sure if video games are.
In my store, Target Mobile is hiring all new people. There doesn't appear to have been an offer to anyone on the Target side to work for Market Source. In fact, I was told (don't know how true it is) the Market Source Team Lead had to go to an interview with Target before he was able to take the position for Market Source.

Our remodel was supposed to be pretty much done. There have been issues that have caused substantial delays.
Ours took freaking forever. I see no evidence of crossover in my store and I never interviewed at Target.

Apparently, though I warranted a talking to about not being brand enough AT FUCKING ORIENTATION... Ugh. Welcome to passive-aggress...I mean Target.
Soo.. our Target Mobile is sayin that it's legitimate they(MarketSource) are gonna be adding more people by black friday and will be expected to sell Electronics. They'll be here all hours of operation. Anyone else heard of this?
Yes. MarketSource in my district is hiring heavily to staff every store with a wireless team lead, an electronics team lead, and some team members for each.
My store is not a E&E store, we do not even have Pfresh, but we will still get MarketSource to take over. I personally will probably switch over when they offer me a position.
My store just recently completed E&E but Target Mobile has not taken over... At least not to my knowledge or as far as I can tell. Electronics team members still deal with the general stuff (getting games and all that), and target mobile deals with stuff that requires contracts and the like. Also they've only hired a few new people, and they still have limited hours outside of our operations.
I'm at a E&E store and I've seen no evidence of Mobile taking over.
talk to your Mobile person directly. Not even the electronics team members have heard of this. Our Mobile guy said that target team members will be last to find out in store
Interesting... my store usually has 2 mobile folks in the early afternoon - night but always 1 TM. However, they hardly ever help any guests. The most they do is point to a general direction, but they just stay at the desk/register area. And when someone needs something to be unlocked or an in-depth question to be answered, and a TM isn't around, they page for an electronic TM.
Our mobile guys were directed to train the electronics team on the new blue and purple protection plans. Maybe this is just the start of something bigger lol
Our mobile guys were directed to train the electronics team on the new blue and purple protection plans. Maybe this is just the start of something bigger lol
That is Target wanting to train its electronics team members without actually using store payroll to get it done. It was kind of funny: I had to train my mobile team lead on the new plans before he could tell me about them because he did not want to watch the training materials that looked like it was created for a class of third graders.
The transition from target tm to mobile tm running electronics has begun at our store.
I haven't seen this since I'm not an electronics TM but we do have A LOT of mobile TMs working.

I've always wondered is there a TL responsible for electronics? I work 25-40hrs/wk and always see the same ones MOST of the time. Do other TMs just get the shaft when scheduling? This girl in my orientation group has open availability and was hired for Electronics but she gets one or two a week. And it doesn't fail, every shift, I get a walkie Paige for electronics needing someone. I feel like the mobile peeps just press the button because they're not "Target employees".
I've always wondered is there a TL responsible for electronics? I work 25-40hrs/wk and always see the same ones MOST of the time. Do other TMs just get the shaft when scheduling?

ASANTS, but at my store there's a HL TL who is responsible for E&E, Toys/Sporting Goods and Seasonal. Electronics also relies on the TMs having in depth knowledge of how product works, so they'll schedule the same handful of people. It's not unusual for me to spend 5-10 minutes with guests answering questions about TVs or iPads.

And yeah Mobile hits the endymes to summon us in my store. They usually immediately clear it though so it doesn't hurt ou scores.
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