Archived Target to Reissue REDcards with MasterCard Chip and PIN

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The rest of the world but not the USA.

But can you use their new cards at places that aren't outfitted with new readers? Are people going to want to carry a card they can only use in their store or will they wait for the US to catch up to the technology?
The rest of the world but not the USA.

But can you use their new cards at places that aren't outfitted with new readers? Are people going to want to carry a card they can only use in their store or will they wait for the US to catch up to the technology?

I am in the US, unless they repeated the info wrong. And you can use chip and pin cards in non-pin readers.
The article states, "The retailer's REDcard portfolio includes a Target-branded debit card, credit card, and a co-branded credit card with Visa that the company stopped issuing in 2010. All three will be reissued with MasterCard's chip-and-pin technology".

So does that mean my Visa logo Target REDcard will now be a MasterCard?
The article states, "The retailer's REDcard portfolio includes a Target-branded debit card, credit card, and a co-branded credit card with Visa that the company stopped issuing in 2010. All three will be reissued with MasterCard's chip-and-pin technology".

So does that mean my Visa logo Target REDcard will now be a MasterCard?
It appears so..
The article states, "The retailer's REDcard portfolio includes a Target-branded debit card, credit card, and a co-branded credit card with Visa that the company stopped issuing in 2010. All three will be reissued with MasterCard's chip-and-pin technology".

So does that mean my Visa logo Target REDcard will now be a MasterCard?
Yes. That is exactly it per the store's FAQ.
So I guess Mr and Mrs. Lastname are going to be the first people to get the new cards.

I heard about this on Friday. It's starting in 2015. Hopefully this means that there will be more trust in Target and people will stop acting like I was responsible for the breech personally.
Hopefully this means that there will be more trust in Target and people will stop acting like I was responsible for the breech personally.

Lol right!?

The new card readers are awesome! I want to see an actual chip and pin card so I can see how that part of the card reader works though.
Regarding the digital/chip read cards....ALL businesses have been mandated to have this new technology ready for use by the end of 2015.
Target's getting theirs done now because of the breach.
Hopefully this means that there will be more trust in Target and people will stop acting like I was responsible for the breech personally.

Lol right!?

The new card readers are awesome! I want to see an actual chip and pin card so I can see how that part of the card reader works though.

I've used them in Europe before. It's just like the swipe and using a pin except that you have a chip that is uniquely yours and then a pin that goes along with it.
It's harder, darn near impossible, for people to replicate the chip.
I had a guy before refuse to swipe his card because he didn't trust target but he didn't have enough cash. I think he thought I would give him the extra stuff for free. Um no!
Regarding the digital/chip read cards....ALL businesses have been mandated to have this new technology ready for use by the end of 2015.
Target's getting theirs done now because of the breach.

That's not entirely accurate. End of 2015 is the date for an agreement on technology updating to go into effect that defines liability for an instance of fraud of that type by "lowest tech is liable."

Some examples:

Let's say Visa is slow rolling out their chip & pin solution. Your issuing bank is on board and sending chip & pin mastercards to their customers, and you go and shop with your swipe and sign Visa at Target, which has chip & pin card readers, and your card data gets stolen and your account liquidated. In this case, Visa is liable for damages because they had the oldest tech in the mix.

Let's say Mastercard offers your issuing bank chip & pin cards, but your local issuing bank doesn't want to pay the $5 premium per customer to upgrade, and you shop at Target with your swipe & sign and get hacked. Your issuing bank is liable for damages in this case because they had the oldest tech.

Last and probably most common example. You go shopping with your new shiny chip & pin card at Joe's Discount Falafel Hut, and Joe's a cheapskate who is still using a card reader from 1995, forcing you to do the transaction as swipe and sign. Joe's crappy old computer system gets hacked and your account liquidated. Joe is liable for covering the damages (rather than Visa or your issuing bank as in most cases presently) because he was using the old card reader.

So basically what Target is doing is attempting to generate consumer goodwill by rolling out early what would be a CYA move in 2015 for any retailer to avoid being liable for damages in the event of another breach. Theoretically if they wanted to take the risk on liability they could use the current card readers indefinitely.
If you're somewhere with a chip/pin card that doesn't have the reader (the slot on the bottom of those new card readers), there's still a magnetic strip. You just swipe it like normal. I've seen people use em with the old readers. Works just like any cc.
So we're basically getting back the readers that suck in the card? The same ones that we had circa '08?
Doesn't suck em in. If you have a chip, you stick it in a slot that reads the chip. If you don't have a chip, you slide it... or you can slide it even if you do have a chip. Your choice.

There's a pic, here: I'd post it, but it's huuge. Your card sits in like that until the end of the transaction. I was reading the lit from my bank on it earlier. Only reason I know that.
At first I was opposed to having it sit in there, but as long as I have to wait to make sure the cashier doesn't hit total until I give her my discount, I might as well stick it in there. Everywhere else I go, I swipe as soon as they start scanning and put the card back in my wallet.
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