Archived Target to remove Gender Based Labeling?

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A guest complained to me a couple days ago about how we still have the gender-based labeling. I was just like, "Sorry? I guess we haven't gotten the signing for them yet." and she made me promise to let leadership know about.

Sure, let me just go inform my STL about how offended you were that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are under a "Boys" sign.
A guest complained to me a couple days ago about how we still have the gender-based labeling. I was just like, "Sorry? I guess we haven't gotten the signing for them yet." and she made me promise to let leadership know about.

Sure, let me just go inform my STL about how offended you were that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are under a "Boys" sign.

My only thought is that if Spot is going to make a big deal about getting rid of gendered signing the very least they can do is actually follow through.
I can see it from the customers point of view that if this is something that they actually care about and they were told it was done, to walk in and find out was handled in Spots usual half-assed manner would be annoying.
Mind you, not offensive, annoying because the company made a promise and didn't follow through.

oh my god it's gendered diapers

the most terrifying thing this halloween
Ugh that endcap. I built it without the signing because we didn't have it. Then when it came in I had to rebuild the endcap because the product schematics on the planogram didn't match the signing.

The way it's crisscrossed in the picture just looks dumb.
My only thought is that if Spot is going to make a big deal about getting rid of gendered signing the very least they can do is actually follow through.
I can see it from the customers point of view that if this is something that they actually care about and they were told it was done, to walk in and find out was handled in Spots usual half-assed manner would be annoying.
Mind you, not offensive, annoying because the company made a promise and didn't follow through.

Oh, come on. Target make a promise and not follow through??
A guest complained to me a couple days ago about how we still have the gender-based labeling. I was just like, "Sorry? I guess we haven't gotten the signing for them yet." and she made me promise to let leadership know about.

Sure, let me just go inform my STL about how offended you were that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are under a "Boys" sign.
The stl/lod had a date to walk the transition and audit the signing. I was behind so I got called and handed the outdated signs to replace promptly... in my district still has the target home now threshold signing up...
Had my first experience with it this week.. guest buying Shopkins. "Don't you have any boy ones? These are all girly.. cupcakes, food, shopping sets.."

I'm sorry that the Shopkins have a shopping set?

"Don't you have any sporting ones I can get him? He already tries playing with my daughter's toys."
Found this during my shift today. Oops.

View attachment 1698

Also, they still haven't taken down the gender labeling in the "kids room" section.
Target isn't always the greatest at following through with taking down old signing...

My store still has the pharmacy rewards signs up, and another store in my district still has a big free shipping poster at the entrance.
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