Archived Target Twitter Touting

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Anyone not salaried doing this is trying REALLY hard to get a promotion.

I know someone who is sickingly all about Target, but he worked in pharmacy and is a ETL Pharm now making the big bucks.
I saw this on someone in my district


edit: on further notice, they don't have label strips. I will take less stock over not having label strips. never mind


also known as this has never looked like this ever please tell me you subt9999ed these
I've looked for my store on a couple occasions just to see what any of the management post and I can't find a single executive on any social media. 😵
Most of my leadership team just signed up for work Twitter accounts. They're not really into it.
Just looked at my store's hashtag. No way you could be that happy making a low wage. If I were making what they were making, I'd be happy too
Oh my god. If you search on Twitter #T(insert store number), you'll find touting from your management. It's sad actually.
I didn't realize how much touting my store did until I #T####'d it..holy crap so much kool aid, even the kool-aid man be jealous.
They put the twitter handles of the leaders and target hash tags up on a board in the tsc.
oh god im glad my old store hasn't done it yet. probably because they're all too busy pushing redcards since they have a visit like every week
Another way for ETL's to take credit for a team's hard work. I've seen it happen multiple times at my store. Unrelated ETL tweets photo of well zoned department without giving any kind of credit. Awful, lazy ETL.
My store is not on it. But, my former etl was. They posted pictures on events. I will missed them.
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The thing with all these perfect zone pictures you can't really know how good the zone really is, yes its pretty but you don't know its actually right. Pretty yes, but I want it right.

And dannyy315 I have a bunch of pictures that would embarrass my store with how horrible the zone can get.
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It does! First thing I looked at when he posted chemical pics was the air freshener aisle and if it had adhesive dividers. Which it did. Meaning intelligence reigns in that store because if that aisle doesn't have it, you can forget about a good zone

I love these adhesive Dividers.....LOVE THEM...

I cleaned the Milk coolers once (thats all it takes to never want to do that again) underneath down by the fans. Took me about 8 hours to clean that and all the fans.

After that I lined my the entire back and sides of every shelf with these adhesive dividers to use them as a wall to keep any leaky milk from running down the back to the fans.
I love these adhesive Dividers.....LOVE THEM...

I cleaned the Milk coolers once (thats all it takes to never want to do that again) underneath down by the fans. Took me about 8 hours to clean that and all the fans.

After that I lined my the entire back and sides of every shelf with these adhesive dividers to use them as a wall to keep any leaky milk from running down the back to the fans.
Holy crap that's brilliant!!
I too have had to clean/ flush those drains. It's awful.
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