Target website won't let me reapply? (after months)

Sep 7, 2018
Keeping this short....I worked for target this past holiday season 2019-early January 2020.
Like most seasonal employees I was let go. I would love to work here again, reapply 6 months later...
When I click on apply to the position I want (same as I had during season) and log into workday. It says that I "already applied for this position". But that was well over 6 months ago.
I can see on the candidate homepage of myself, all 3 positions I applied for previously 6 months ago and the one position I worked as. All of them say the same thing.

Why won't the website let me reapply? Should I make a new workday account and reapply that way?

Call the store and ask the HR Expert (or ETL, if they're available) to check your name in Workday and see what the deal is. Workday isn't as user-friendly and intuitive as you might hope for. Particularly for seasonal requisitions.

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