Archived Target WiFi

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On my crap-berry -- I can get on verizon in 99 % of my store --

If I go to "Manage Connections" - then "Set up a Wi-Fi Network" - It scans for networks - open and closed -- I haven't seen a Target Wi-Fi yet --

Unless they have me install it --- when / if AP does -- I'll know --- their notorious for NOT returning the Sky-Jack to the charger and leaving their little wire clipping's all over the place

And God forbid the battery just happens to be dead when they want to use it --

Porn sites are blocked. Don't get too excited.

Even "Friendly Fred's Frisky Farm-yard Friends"
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Have any stores gotten WiFi yet? Just after this thread died, the WiFi at my store died, but the signs advertising Free WiFi are still on the entrance doors. hmmmm I've asked other TLs and all I get is, "We had WiFi?" What do these people do on breaks anyway? 😉
Nope - all of our wifi equipment is still sitting in the control room.
I was talking with someone at my store who said we have the equipment (think they also said it's set up), but according to them all of the Targets are getting their wifi turned on at the same time.
Hopefully it will be as it was before my store's WiFi disappeared. One could access any website with very few restrictions. I streamed movies from Amazon and Netflix. Email, message boards, shopping. Just no "adult" sites. 😉 Our AP used it extensively to communicate with other stores in the area so we had up to the minute info on the latest round of thieves and coupon frauds. We'd have a description of the azzhats so when they walked in the door, we'd be onto them.
Ah I heard something about this... the equipment was delivered to us last week, and I overheard the BR TM's talking about it. Well here we go, now we have to keep an eye on the Nook Tablet displays >_>

We have no Nook got stolen and never replaced.
Our AP used it extensively to communicate with other stores in the area so we had up to the minute info on the latest round of thieves and coupon frauds. We'd have a description of the ******* so when they walked in the door, we'd be onto them.

We still have that... It sort of like a internal email system.

On another note, today I was able to access Yahoo from the wifi. Not sure if I will ever use the wifi though, my phone already has internet access.
Ap does have limited Internet access on spot's computer. I used my mi-fi on my breaks. It has a Unlimited data plan.
Sprint is the onl;y one who offers unlimted, unless you have Verizon or AT&T and have been grandfathered in, but they are putting caps and getting rid of them soon for a "share all" data plans that are only good for familes or if you have multiple devices. (Still don't get why the **** tablets need a damn 2 year contract)
Sprint is the onl;y one who offers unlimted, unless you have Verizon or AT&T and have been grandfathered in, but they are putting caps and getting rid of them soon for a "share all" data plans that are only good for familes or if you have multiple devices. (Still don't get why the **** tablets need a damn 2 year contract) has unlimited too.
If you have a Target Mobile kiosk in your store, you have some form of wifi, but it's password protected. It's for the mobile guys to activate phones.

If you can't trust your employees to be responsible with wifi readily available, than you might need to re-evaluate yourself or the kinds of people you hire. I'm just saying.
If you have a Target Mobile kiosk in your store, you have some form of wifi, but it's password protected. It's for the mobile guys to activate phones.

If you can't trust your employees to be responsible with wifi readily available, than you might need to re-evaluate yourself or the kinds of people you hire. I'm just saying.

IMO, I think it's probably a good idea that there wifi is encrypted. When I bought a phone at both Sprint & AT&T my ssn was required for the account. I'm not sure I would want such information going over wifi unencrypted.
IMO, I think it's probably a good idea that there wifi is encrypted. When I bought a phone at both Sprint & AT&T my ssn was required for the account. I'm not sure I would want such information going over wifi unencrypted.

That's not quite how it works, but okay...
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