Archived #TargetBaeChallenge

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What's everyone's problem with people in carts? Better that than kids who don't understand leverage and can easily fall off while climbing or worse belly surf the bottom of the cart, fingers inches from wheels.

How about some food violations? How about someone buying grocery after some grown ass person stepped in a big dog shit and hop on?
How about some food violations? How about someone buying grocery after some grown ass person stepped in a big dog shit and hop on?
And that's different from kids being in the carts? No one bats an eye when a couple of kids between 5 and 8 are in the cart.
Hah. You know some people are going get in the carts just because this gives them the idea. I’ve seen more than one grown-ass guest get ejected from our store because they wanna act like a child and disrupt other guests as a result.
My prediction is that very few adults will be climbing into carts.

If they actually read the caption, it doesn't say get in a cart and fuck around
Unless it has a hashtag in front of it, like #dontclimbintothedamncart, the kinds of people who would pull this move, would never read a caption because they prefer easily digestible pictures to enhance their "Target Run". As someone such as yourself who works in Electronics, think of it as the equivalent "terms and condition" pop up. Scroll down a half a mile quickly, click accept and move on to the important download.
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I don't fuss at kids in carts unless they're sitting on the edge. Especially on the front edge facing the "parent". If the parent stops fast what happens? Little Suzy cracks her head on the floor like an egg.
How about some food violations? How about someone buying grocery after some grown ass person stepped in a big dog shit and hop on?
Btw, how is it a food violation? The same exact cart is being used for babies with explosive diapers, shampoo bottles and bleach cleaners that could be leaky, leaky meat packages, holding some or all of the 8 big allergens (leaky flour packages for one), shoes that were bought, worn outside, and then returned and put back on the shelf, swimsuit bottoms that have been tried on by several women who could have had yeast infections/trich/STDs, and a million other things you wouldn't want touching your lettuce if you were to really think about it prior to using any cart. I honestly don't see how a guest could be any more nasty.
The overall point is where do you draw the line. When people starting riding bikes around the store to "test them out". Using the electric wheelchairs, not because they are injured, but because it is fun to race around the store with it. God knows how many times I have had to explain away to seniors why the battery is dead on a electric wheelchair that they desperately need. How about pets, oh god pets. We cannot possibly leave "Scruffy" at home, but I do love when I in the past had to clean up the crap of a supposed "assistance animal". How about kids or adults testing out or pulling items out of their boxes to once again "test them out" aka basketballs, baseballs, footballs etc. It is all fun until someone gets hurt. It should be common sense for a grown adult not to jump into a cart. When people are having fun, they are routinely not thinking of their surroundings and the consequences of their actions because they are "in the moment". These people who come into the store to shop are "guests" and they need to act like one.
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To be fair while yes this picture has someone in a cart, if you look at the Facebook page there are a bunch of other pictures and none of them are in the cart. If you read the post the actual idea is holding the front of the cart. It’s cute and corny and people need to relax. I bet you a ton of people have gone in and taken pictures and it did exactly what targets marketing team wanted it to.
To be fair while yes this picture has someone in a cart, if you look at the Facebook page there are a bunch of other pictures and none of them are in the cart. If you read the post the actual idea is holding the front of the cart. It’s cute and corny and people need to relax. I bet you a ton of people have gone in and taken pictures and it did exactly what targets marketing team wanted it to.
Those cart pics are front and center though. How many people do you know who actual click on these beyond just simply viewing the first "set up pics". It shows fun like the marketing team wanted. When has safety been fun?
Btw, how is it a food violation? The same exact cart is being used for babies with explosive diapers, shampoo bottles and bleach cleaners that could be leaky, leaky meat packages, holding some or all of the 8 big allergens (leaky flour packages for one), shoes that were bought, worn outside, and then returned and put back on the shelf, swimsuit bottoms that have been tried on by several women who could have had yeast infections/trich/STDs, and a million other things you wouldn't want touching your lettuce if you were to really think about it prior to using any cart. I honestly don't see how a guest could be any more nasty.
Wtf kind a store you working at? No one uses guest carts for re-shop or stocking in my store . And guest wouldn’t buy leaky detergent and shit because it wouldn’t be on the shelf to begin with.
How about kids or adults testing out or pulling items out of their boxes to once again "test them out" aka basketballs, baseballs, footballs etc
God, how I hate balls. I firmly believe all balls should be in vending machines on the sales floor. You want to play with it, you buy it. Then and there. Impossible, I know, but it would cut down on our reshop!
Wtf kind a store you working at? No one uses guest carts for re-shop or stocking in my store . And guest wouldn’t buy leaky detergent and shit because it wouldn’t be on the shelf to begin with.
I'm talking about guests previously using the carts. Women who are buying swimsuit bottoms, there's none on the sales floor pristine, every one has been tried on at least once. Guest is grabbing groceries, the chicken is wrapped in leaky packaging. The very last shampoo of one type is a little leaky, guests will grab it and ask for a discount. A guest isn't careful about how they put items in the cart and something ruptures. Babies blow through their diapers necessitating parents to rush to the bathrooms all the time, it's what babies do. Carts are not run through a sanitizing shower between guests, the carts with all their germs are just waiting for the next guest.

Edit: So with what guests are already putting in those carts, how is a grown adult a food violation but a baby's butt or a drippy chemical container not?
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What? I washed and sanitized my carts every day...

Once a week I'd wax them.
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